» Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:30 pm
If you feel even slightly so inclined, use BAIN! It is that much better, in so many ways, not least of which being how easy it is to uninstall mods cleanly, with complete transparency (this during installation, configuration, and uninstallation, actually).
OBMM, once you have got used to BAIN, seems... exceedingly lacking, suffice it to say. Clumsy, even. Messy. Like running blind - yes, you can do it for a while, but try for too long, and/or in complicated situations, and things will go horribly wrong. That, or you will be slowed down to a crawl, and probably have to backtrack like crazy as well. Not fun.
BAIN also teaches mod users a lot about the mods they might have been casually adding and using. It is just a good idea, all 'round.
edit: Though, if you are using a small number of very simple mods, and in particular those that do not overlap/conflict? OBMM is just fine. You can then avoid what learning curve there might be, as well - it might be pointless, in that context. Or not, but even so. Oh, and either way, work through the Pictorial Guide to Wrye Bash. It will help a great deal, whatever you do with WB.