U guys never do somthing to ban CHEATERS?

Post » Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:28 pm

Less people play Crysis2 multiplayer now, u guys won't release new upgrade to fix the poorest anti-cheaters system?
First it's unconvenient to make the votekick,most players even don't konw how to open the console.
And what worse, some fXXXing cheaters discovered the vulnerability of this Votekick system.
For example, ~<$4$4$6 ,this weak aimbot cheater, he uses ~ as his first word of his nickname. And because of it when we press ~ to open console and wanna type his name, but it can't be typed. Press ~ will open the console again. To votekick this cheater, we have to copy his name by the notepad.exe and then "Ctrl + C" and "Ctrl + V" in the console, so that we can type his name.
Another svcker is called " F@TJ@X ", this svcker's name is easy to type, but when we type votekick F@TJ@X in the console and then enter. It dosen't work, nothing happens. It's same result after several tries. The votekick system can't work for this svcker's name. And now this svcker is ruining the game in [AUS]games.on.net #10 sever.
So I wish crytek can do something to solve this problem. Ban these cheaters forever and then release new upgrade to improve votekick system.
Sorry for my poor English, in China most college students learn English just for getting a piece of cetificate which is useful for finding a job.
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