Easter Eggs in Skyrim:
- M'aiq the Liar
(Or his long lost nephew: Ra'Mhirr the Truthful) - The Adoring Fan (doesn't have to be blood related to previous Adoring Fan)
- Fishy Sticks
- Reference to ES: Arena's poster/box art
- Orc Adventurers
- Reference to protagonist of ES: Redguard
- Reference to 'Helmet of Oreyn Bearclaw'
- Include 'Umbra' into the game
- Include 'Shield of the Red Mountain' into the game
- Reference to the 'Thelas' name
- Include enemy/ Reference to the Udyrfrykte (Matron)
- Include book 'The Lusty Argonian Maid'
- Buried Viking/Nord Vessel (Credit to 'richo')
I will list down all additional ideas.
-Mr. Maric