Most Awesome Dream Ever!

Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:53 am

So, as I lay on my couch in a deep slumber, I was transported to a canyon path leading to some caves near New Vegas. As I traveled further I saw signs that warned of danger, and up above me spawned some treasure hunters armed with battle rifles, automatic rifles, and grenade rifles. First thing I did was break towards cover and fire a flare gun into the air, which made a squad of friendlies armed with some weird large caliber revolver rifles, and chinese pistols come to my aid. The badies attention was drawn towards my Allies, so I drew my service rifle and laid down some selective fire. Quickly they were routed after taking a few casualties, so my squad and I ventured on. Then we finally got to the caves and waiting for us is more treasure hunters heading into the cave, but shortly after one ran as fast as he could out of the cave and another flew out like a thrown ragdoll. Then, taking up the whole mouth of the cave, was 2 legendary deathclaws, and a Legendary Hulking Deathclaw. I knew what they were because I went into V.A.T.S. in my dream. The hulk was gun metal grey, twice as large mass-wise as the regular deathclaws, and had green scales on his chest and arms. He looked like a cross between a black deathclaw and Abomination from Marvel Comics. Since this is almost essay length I should make a long story short and say that after a long, epic battle of doing things the engine doesn't allow - such as rappeling down the cliff so the hulker breaks his legs, and grabbing his massive swinging arm and then chopping his hand off - I emerged victorious. Then what was left of my group headed into the cave with me and it went black for a while ( a dream loading screen, I assume), aaaaand I ended up inside one of the classes at my college.
So my reason for posting this here - other than because of how epic it is - is there should be another gun DLC that has the revolver rifles, Chinese pistols, squad summoning flare guns, and the Legendary Hulking Deathclaw.
The end.
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