I'm excited about Skyrim because of the leveling/perk system. This time I'm going to play the "right" way and have ten different specialized characters that are good at a few things. I'm really going to base my characters on racial abilities and skill bonuses instead of making a bunch of overpowered characters. My orc will use smithing, enchanting and heavy armor- his main talent will be at making awesome armor and weapons, maybe dual wielding weapons that have multiple enchantments, but he will use no magic. My dunmer assasin will use mostly offensive skills, but not blocking and will only join the dark brotherhood. I might see how far I get with a thief character that uses little magic and weapons. How far can I get with pickpocketing and alchemy and avoiding actually fighting? These are some ideas for my specialized characters and I'm going to try to make one for each race. Not all of them will be doing the main quest, and each character will join one faction that is suited to them.
Anyone else going to play like this and do you have ideas for these types of characters?