Undead: Rise from Death Problem"

Post » Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:53 pm

So, before doing the Andrano tomb quest, I joined the Imperial Cult in Pelagiad and purchased a restore strength (as per npc advice) and a blessed touch spell from the priestess there. The Blessed Touch spell (with which I was having problems) was something along the lines of "turns undead 100 points for 10 seconds". In any case, getting right to the chase, I cast it on almost every enemy in the dungeon multiple times, and every single time it was resisted and had no effect. Is this just because of my relatively low conjuration skill? It says it has a 100 percent chance of casting, and it cast every single time. So what gives?
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Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:46 am

I noticed the same thing with Undead:Arise from Death running. Also some undead resist Absorb Health too; I assume that the mod adds resist magicka to undead.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:55 am

I noticed the same thing with Undead:Arise from Death running. Also some undead resist Absorb Health too; I assume that the mod adds resist magicka to undead.

A little too much, I'd gather. What use is a turn undead spell if all of the undead resist it?
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