» Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:11 am
I'm torn, because I agree with you, but I also want guards to get a huge buff so that you think twice about ripping off the Mystic Emporium late in the game. If I know I can kill guards with ease, there's no reason to bother sneaking around when stealing anymore. Sure, it'll keep my bounty clear, but who cares when I can just instakill any guards who are trying to collect?
Perhaps there should be multiple classes of guards for the imperial areas, starting with basic guards and going up to elite guards. However, they don't scale with the player level but rather with the crime rate of the city itself. If there are many murders/thefts/crimes going on, they upgrade the guards from basic - > Skilled -> Advanced -> Elite.
I think that's a pretty fair system to use, and no doubt it won't make it into Skyrim, but it'd be nice to see something like that for DLC or perhaps the next ES game.