Lore regarding Seleron's history
The city of Seleron is built on a solitude mountain, north-east of the city of Kvatch. For ages nobody lived around this big dark mountain, there were many legends about it. In most of these legends the mountain was cursed, superstitious as most people were they shun the mountain. Until on a day a longforgotten count of Kvatch got two sons. Instead of naming the oldest of the twins heir, he decided they would both be heir and rule together. He wanted a second city built so each of his sons had his own capital. He called for the best architects and gave them the freedom to create the city they wanted. Their was only one restriction, he ordered the castle to be a twin of the castle of Kvatch. The twins will rule from twin castles, he said. He wanted this new city to be built on a special location.
This count wasn't a superstitious man so he found the cursed mountain to be the ideal place. He hired many men to work on it, he cut the mountain in the way he wanted it. Since most people around Kvatch were afraid he hired workers from all around Cyrodiil, to work on it. By the time the city was finished the count was an old man and died soon thereafter. His oldest son inherited Seleron, while his youngest ruled from Kvatch. Cunning as he was the ruler of Kvatch soon befriended some of his older brother's servants. The boy was amibitious and with the help from these traitors he was able to capture the city by suprise. Most of the citizens were slaughtered in the battle for Seleron.
After the battle the new count of the whole of Kvatch wanted to rule from the city of Seleron, because it was much easier to defend than Kvatch, but the fierce battle and the death of so many people made the citizens remember the old stories and nobody wanted to live in this cursed city.
Afterwards the city was once again desolated for many years, until the city of Kvatch was destroyed by the Daedra. The people's fear for these creatures was worse then their fear for the old stories about Seleron and the refugees of Kvatch fled to Seleron and rebuilt most of the city to its former glory.
Short Description
After you have saved the whole of Tamriel, you would have excepted to be richly rewarded, but the only thing you get is a suit of armor, which you won't need since the world is already saved.
Furthermore it doesn't completely answer what happened after the ascension of Martin Septim.
I aim to do these things, in my own way, which isn't completely lore correct!
In this mod you'll be raised to nobility after saving Cyrodiil and you'll rule the county of Kvatch from the city of Seleron, which lies just north-east of Kvatch.
You expect to live an easy life as a wealthy count, but mere days after your arrival at your new home the other, power hungry, counts become restless. They all agree that Cyrodiil needs a new emperor, but the problem is they all want to be this new emperor themselves. After some small fights a real war starts: a war for a crown. And again you'll be a part of it!
You'll rule your own county with all things that are important when ruling:
- You have your own capital to rule from: Seleron with its own citizens, with their own jobs.
- An economy, it isn't only your own gold you're thinking about anymore, but the treasury of a whole county. You should get gold through taxes or trade.
- Trade with other countys to get goods for your people to live from or gold for your treasury.
- A diplomatic system, the other countys will like you more or less depending on your actions.
- The possibilty to get trade rights with other countys, an alliance or start a war on another county.
- Recruit soldiers for your army, train them, but of course they'll expect to be paid for their hard work.
- Solve the problems of your citizens, if they have an argument, they'll come to you.
- Hire assassins or spies to do your dirty work, but if they're caught you won't have anything.
- Start wars with other countys, ask your allies for help, raid your enemie's villages or trade caravans and try to capture their cities and kill their leaders.
- But of course you're true goal is to win the war and become emperor and allow the council to rule.
I'll try to make everything I mentioned above as dynamic as possible. As less as possible through messageboxes and things like that. A trade caravan will move from one city to the other. Spies will really go to the city and see what they can and guards will really attack them when they're caught. You aren't the only one who attacks the other counts have a war to win as well.
I know these are a lot of ideas and I'm a bit late with only a few months to Skyrim I don't know if I'm able to do all of it, but I'll see how far I get :thumbsup: .
If I don't have everything done before Skyrim and there is quite a chance this will happen, I'll atleast release what I've done so far.
I'll upload more screens later, though with a project that is mainly focussed on scripting and AI you won't see loads of screens.