More Race Specifics

Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:49 pm

I'm really hoping if you play as a certain race people will treat you differently that was a huge issue with Oblivion where people basically saw a blank character accept if you were an Orc doing Malacath's Daedric quest. Especially annoying when NPC's are telling you things about your race. EXAMPLE During the Whodunit quest I was a Dunmer yet when talking to the Redguard he was talking to me as if I had no clue who my people were and that they were called the Dunmer. Don't get me wrong I don't want quests to be blocked from you but they could always do it this way.

Say your an Argonian talking to a group of Dunmer who hate you, in order for them to allow you to join their group they'd give you a radiant quest that you would have to do in order to gain their trust. If you were a Dunmer however they would see you more as Kin and allow you to join with out doing a random quest.

I really :tes: but when playing as different races it's a bit boring (in Oblivion) as its all the same. I want each race to feel unique. What do you guys think am I just being crazy or what?

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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:13 am

While I am against Racism since this is just a game I agree
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Jarrett Willis
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