I personally don't understand the fascination that seems to be sweeping the community as of late with Argonians and Black Marsh. I'd much rather see a future game set in the Summerset Isles, Thalmor/Aldmeri Dominion or Elsweyr, or even Akavir. I haven't read the books so maybe I have no room to talk, but from what I've read on the forums and picked up, they seem a bit silly. Morrowind blowing up and getting invaded by Argonians (note, I may also be biased because the Dunmer are my favorite race)? To me it just seems a bit ridiculous and I would have liked to have seen the lore take a different direction. Admittedly, I think Black Marsh would make for a cool place to explore given it's swampy/jungle setting if the technology permits for it to be done well, but other than that, I have no fascination with the region. This is intended for my personal enlightenment and for discussion, so don't flame.