1. Base weapon damage (no modifiers) is calculated thusly: Max ((DAM-DT)x(100%-DR), (DAMx20%)) = DAM inflicted. In other words, you subtract the target's DT from the weapon damage, factor in DR and if this value is greater than 20% of the base weapon damage, that's what's inflicted. If it's less than 20% of base weapon damage, you get the 20% bleed through. As far as I know, this is correct. Am I wrong here?
2. Ammo effect damage multipliers: Where are ammo effect damage multipliers factored in? Let's say it's the x1.5 modifier for JSP. Is it like so:
Max (((DAMx1.5)-DT)x(100%-DR), (DAMx20%)) or is it Max (((DAM-DT)x1.5)x(100%-DR), (DAMx20%))? In other words, does the 1.5 multiplier get factored in before the DT is subtracted or after?
3. Ammo effect damage multipliers on bleed through: When calculating bleed through damage, does any ammo effect damage multiplier change the 20% bleed through damage? In other words, with that JSP x1.5 DAM effect, does that mean the minumum bleed through damage is 20% of the base weapon damage multiplied by 1.5?
4. DT effects: When are the DT effects factored in? The -15 from AP rounds or the x3 for HP. Are these factored into the DT before the DT is applied to the DAM? I guess it pretty much has to be, right?
5. Perk and chem (spell effect) damage multipliers. When are these applied? To base damage before DT and DR reductions? After DT reductions? After a few beers?
I would appreciate any help I can get, but I need hard answers here, rather than guesses, so be prepared for me to ask for corroborating data or references if you respond.
Thanks in advance