Building a Manor/fortress

Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:22 pm

Has anyone heard about the possibility (maybe through a quest) to build up a fortress, kind of like the house manors in Morrowind? I would love to see this make an reappearance in Skyrim. Buying houses just wasn't the same as seeing your manor being constructed and hiring guards to patrol the area. I was very disappointed when Oblivion didn't expand upon them. Anyone heard anything about this?
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 2:04 pm

Yeah morrowind handled this SO well. I'd love to see a return of something like that.
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:32 pm

Has anyone heard about the possibility (maybe through a quest) to build up a fortress, kind of like the house manors in Morrowind? I would love to see this make an reappearance in Skyrim. Buying houses just wasn't the same as seeing your manor being constructed and hiring guards to patrol the area. I was very disappointed when Oblivion didn't expand upon them. Anyone heard anything about this?

wow, like i've said before i never played morrowind, the above mentioned feature sounds amazing.
i have often wished they included this in oblivion, i never knew they had done that before!
would very very much like if this feature was in the game. :wink_smile:
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:51 am

0.0 never played Morrowind before, but after reading through these forums I damn well want to.
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WYatt REed
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:17 am

I'm playing through Morrowind again right now.

ahh... nostalgia.

Though it took me forever to get the controls down again. lol
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:21 pm

This sounds amazing. I'd love to see this. They did confirm you could buy a house and your spouse could move in with you. Perhaps that's not all you can do with your homes in Skyrim . . . ?
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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:42 am

I hope it returns as well but I hope it's named after you this time. That always kinda bothered me in morrowind
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Sunny Under
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:40 am

wow, like i've said before i never played morrowind, the above mentioned feature sounds amazing.
i have often wished they included this in oblivion, i never knew they had done that before!
would very very much like if this feature was in the game. :wink_smile:

0.0 never played Morrowind before, but after reading through these forums I damn well want to.

There were a lot of things great in Morrowind, but a lot of things that were frustrating as well. Getting direction like they came from my wife ("Turn right when you approach a rock that looks like a hammer") was cute for a while but after many hours of getting lost it got tiring (if you play make sure you get a levitation spell - it will save you hours of stumbling around), or randomly killing people that would break quest lines. All in all there were definitely trade offs between Morrowind and Oblivion. Morrowind was able to provide a lot of really cool and unique gaming moments, but was a lot more frustrating at times. Both were great games though :)

This sounds amazing. I'd love to see this. They did confirm you could buy a house and your spouse could move in with you. Perhaps that's not all you can do with your homes in Skyrim . . . ?

Trust me, buying a house isn't even close to having a manor built from a plot of undeveloped land. I feel no difference between a house that I bought and one that I killed the previous tenet and now squat there. If it's not in the main game I would love to see some DLC with a questline of building up your manor, defending if from thieves/other houses and expanding your land. Give me choices when designing my manor (let me put a tower or a wall around it), let me expand my land or build more buildings (even if that is limited), make me feel a connection to it rather than just some boost to my stats when I sleep in the bed.
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:19 am

I did enjoy the manor quests in Morrowind. It really was something fun being considered "royalty" by the local dunmer. Maybe that's too strong a word, but get up high enough in the Great Houses, and you're pretty much a noble! Teases my ego just the right way.

Each House also handled it different ways, which I thought was pretty cool. I'm gonna try and remember it real quick.
the Hlaalu made you look for miners, to occupy your local ebony cave. For the life of me I can't recall anything else.
the Redoran made you bust a guy out of jail, employ bodyguards, and then hook up women for your man-village
the Telvanni made you gather grand soul gems to power your supermushroom tower, seek out a bunch of slaves (... i could have sworn that's part of it), and look for dwemer schematics. [edit: for centurion bodyguards]

Oh the nifty ideas. Too bad there aren't that many factions anymore. The npc-development would take soooo much space to do all that.
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