Working, and spending time with my girlfriend, constantly being on this forum.
I'm avoiding RPGs so I'll be hungry when Skyrim comes out, but I'm bored of all my non RPGs. I might have to buy a cheap hockey video game or something, I see NHL 2008 and other sports games for like five dollars all the time, and I haven't played a sports video game since I was a kid, so why not?
Ugh, I want Skyrim already.
NHL 12 is probably the best EA hockey game they've made, but it feels like what the game should have been three years ago. It is very offense heavy. The tools for defense seem, sometimes, ineffective (poke checks, stick lifts, tie ups, etc.). They seem to be somewhat aware of this, and have already released one tuner update and one patch. A second patch is in the works too, so hopefully they'll get the defense side of things fixed up soon. There are a few glitch goals, but hopefully they'll release a tuner update to address that. The game has made progress in a lot of areas. I have fun more than I'm frustrated, if that means anything...
As for the topic, I'm really struggling waiting for Skyrim. I really, really want to play this game. I tried to satisfy my appetite by playing Morrowind, but I found it really boring. Tried Oblivion, and I found that boring as well. Obviously both of these games were simply amazing when I played them the first time around. Knowing how much better Skyrim is going to be makes it hard to enjoy those games.
I have played a bunch of games to try to buy time, but so far what has worked the best is going to bed earlier and focusing on work haha