Pip boy light mysteriously stopped working

Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:35 pm

For whatever reason my pip boy light refuses to work. I hold in the button and I hear the sounds but no light. I even tried installing the pip boy lantern mod to get around it but it doesn't work. Same problem occurs.

Active Mod Files:
00  FalloutNV.esm [CRC: 26D5B980]01  CaravanPack.esm [CRC: 228740D1]02  ClassicPack.esm [CRC: 41F95714]03  DeadMoney.esm [CRC: D70F165B]04  HonestHearts.esm [CRC: 2352B189]05  OldWorldBlues.esm [CRC: 7F8F8225]06  LonesomeRoad.esm [CRC: 30073D50]07  GunRunnersArsenal.esm [CRC: 0AAC938D]08  NVInteriors_Core.esm [CRC: 697E367E]09  NVInteriors_WastelandEditon.esm [CRC: 5F1A8B5E]0A  NVCE Main.esm [CRC: 4C8E6A8D]0B  DFB - Random Encounters.esm [CRC: 682A764F]0C  Project Nevada - Core.esm [CRC: EDE609EF]0D  Project Nevada - Equipment.esm [CRC: 7F067E96]0E  Selective Fire.esm  [Version 1.26] [CRC: 30D884C4]0F  Frequency.esm [CRC: 4124E414]10  MikotoBeauty.esm [CRC: B64F8CC0]11  Primary Needs HUD.esm [CRC: D5F10B4D]12  Compiled Patch.esp [CRC: 8CD466E1]13  Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp [CRC: B6E1B7E2]14  WeaponModsixpanded.esp [CRC: 0F3D2DCF]15  WMX-PreOrderPackCaravan.esp [CRC: A8C6A163]16  WMX-OldWorldBlues.esp [CRC: C3038B3F]17  EVE FNV.esp [CRC: 484DCE22]18  DarNifiedUINV.esp [CRC: 6263F6F5]19  Compiled Patch - DeadMoney.esp [CRC: 9F0AD9DD]1A  Compiled Patch - HonestHearts.esp [CRC: 63D1B242]1B  Compiled Patch - OldWorldBlues.esp [CRC: 1ED2CAB6]1C  Fellout.esp [CRC: C3FC96AD]1D  OFT_Merge_All.esp [CRC: 03A9AB55]1E  NVCE DLC01.esp [CRC: CB761A9C]1F  NVCE DLC02.esp [CRC: 47E9E7F8]++  NVCE DLC03.esp [CRC: 1C982CD7]++  NVCE DLC04.esp [CRC: 1FBA2AEA]20  Bobblehunt.esp [CRC: 21F84F03]21  Realistic death.esp [CRC: 15AC717D]22  1CazyTestEsp.esp [CRC: D1E37949]23  The Mod Configuration Menu.esp  [Version 1.2] [CRC: FE0C836A]24  DFB - Random Encounters - Dead Money Additions.esp [CRC: 347C6140]25  UHNV.esp [CRC: 74735FC0]26  UHNV-Dead Money.esp [CRC: 33565C2F]27  UHNV-Honest Hearts.esp [CRC: E779CC56]28  UHNV-OWB.esp [CRC: 7759941A]29  UHNV-Bobblehunt.esp [CRC: 9953C017]2A  Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp [CRC: 3D8693B2]2B  Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp [CRC: D7749D2D]2C  Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp [CRC: 98E693E2]2D  Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp [CRC: D37F2FF3]2E  Arwen_NV_Realism_Core.esp [CRC: C8CC8652]2F  Arwen_NV_Hard-Core.esp [CRC: A3759B65]30  Arwen_Camera.esp [CRC: D170CE29]31  NVWillow.esp [CRC: 51139505]32  MikotoBeauty.esp [CRC: 4DA5C54E]33  CompanionDe-Equip.esp [CRC: B8C1D0CF]34  AllCompanionsEssential 2.0.esp [CRC: 38004D72]35  DK Caucasians.esp [CRC: E2826047]36  Brotherhood and House Alliance.esp [CRC: 372636E9]37  UrgeWasterScarf.esp [CRC: CACEA62E]38  Shotgun Commando.esp [CRC: 37652F72]39  Boon of the Boomers.esp [CRC: 711CD3BC]3A  Selective Fire - Project Nevada.esp [CRC: 91615C20]3B  AG Supplementary Uniques.esp [CRC: 31B1B8F5]3C  AG Supplementary Uniques-Dead Money.esp [CRC: 1392606B]3D  AG Supplementary Uniques-Honest Hearts.esp [CRC: A10EF0D3]3E  AG Supplementary Uniques-Old World Blues.esp [CRC: B588F0F5]3F  Project Nevada - WMX.esp [CRC: C0DA6CFD]40  WMX-HonestHearts.esp [CRC: 4640E0A8]41  WMX-DeadMoney.esp [CRC: 3A8ABB3C]42  Frequency - Dead Money Patch.esp [CRC: F0F530C0]43  Frequency - Honest Hearts Patch.esp [CRC: 2405CFFC]44  Frequency - Old World Blues Patch.esp [CRC: 35F75137]45  EMR-StealthSuitMkII.esp [CRC: 66453040]46  Type 6.esp [CRC: 597FB120]**  WMX-ArenovalisTextures.esp [CRC: F4BE5809]++  WMX-EVE.esp [CRC: 279D1251]++  Riot Gear Neck Cover.esp [CRC: D5D5686C]++  Weekend Never Dies.esp [CRC: 23DC5B93]**  MiscItemIconsNV.esp [CRC: 42789CED]++  Frequency - EVE & WMX Patch.esp [CRC: C0CEA391]++  EMR Stealthsuit v3.0 - Project Nevada Patch.esp [CRC: 46052C24]++  Legion Redesigned.esp [CRC: 679E5974]47  Readius_NV.esp [CRC: 0AC823D4]48  SirixTweaks.esp [CRC: FE94DD56]49  Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Combined.esp  [Version 6.0] [CRC: 0FE261F9]4A  Purge Cell Buffers.esp [CRC: 06077FC9]4B  CustomLighting II.esp [CRC: 63DE660F]4C  Bashed Patch, 0.esp [CRC: 9E8F3766]

I literally never crash. A lot of the mods are personalized by me through FNVEdit and Sirixtweaks is an esp I made to adjust things. Not a single mod, affects the pip boy light at all except for interior lighting overhaul which simply makes it brighter. Everything was working perfectly fine for quite awhile. I didn't add any mods or change anything. It just up and stopped working today. I tweak and adjust things almost daily but I've never touched anything to do with the pip boy light. I can hear the turn off and turn on sound and if I turn it "on" then save my game and load it, the light is there but I can't turn it off. Then it gets turned off the instant I go outside.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can't figure it out.
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Lynne Hinton
Posts: 3388
Joined: Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:24 am

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