* Weapons and Armor do NOT degrade. (This means no need to repair weapon/armor every 30 minutes).
* Dragon Shouts - One of the best methods to kill dragons, is totally free.
* Hunters can now make armour out of pelts and other animal remainings and sell them for a higher price.
* We now have smithing, warriors can make their own armor and weapons from remains they loot!!!
* Jobs like woodcutting which require no skill to effectively use!
* Mercantile skill likely has some pretty damn good perks, buy low sell high!
* We can catch fish practicaly with our hands = Profit, no loss other than time.
* Dwemer Ruins in Skyrim, normally contain dwemer equipment = One of the best and most expensive in the game.
* Being a thief/assassin is much easier. 9 Holds pracitally make assassinating/stealing NPCs 9 times easier than Oblivion.
* You can cook your own food and therefore receive a boost in health, one less reason to use restorative potions.
* You can sleep in the bed/house of the person you killed, one less reason to buy a house.
What do you think?
PS : I'm not pointing out an issue, game looks stunning and much real. Jobs, Dwemer ruins, catching fish, sleeping in the bed of the person you murdered. I'm just stating that making money in Skyrim seems very easy. This is not a complaint thread.