I want to roll a warrior in Skyrim and I just can't get my head around on how to build one? What is the best Race for a warrior? And what are the best perks to fit a warrior that only uses a sword and shield and never uses magic? I would love some advice on other people that have either played a warrior on oblivion and know the class well or other people that are going to be a warrior like myself. Thanks!
First pick a race: Nord, Redguard, Orc, Dunmer, Imperial, or other. Nords, Redguards, and Orcs are the best warriors; everyone has their opinion on which is premier of the elite.
I would recommend no more than 6 skills to put perks in. The six I would recommend are..
One-Handed (pick this over two-handed so you can use shields)
Block (you said that you wanted a shield)
Heavy Armor (warriors tend to be up close, so they need the protection of heavy armor)
Smithing (custom armor and weapons have major bonuses in stats, possibly the best...)
Archery (Since you are not using magic, I recommend this for range attacks: "there be dragons in the land")
Sneak (Even Conan the Barbarian was good at sneaking, and you should learn from his example)
If you still cannot decide which race you like the best, read some racial lore online (Type uesp on google to find the "unofficial elderscrolls pages")