these things still play a part, advertisemant. you might not like it but advertising like this is necessary as a game can't just depend on it's own quality as far as i'd like it to be otherwise. it may seem as a waste to you because it doesn't go towards to the development of the game itself but it's necessary to raise awareness of the product.
for people that are already elder scrolls fans the marketing is obviously unnecessary as most of us are already prepared to buy the game but for people that are new to the series these advertisemant do make a change.
I know advertising is important and will have a large budget. I still wish the money was spent on improving the game though :sadvaultboy:
Just to think of how much money will be spent on advertising the game in newspaper articles, TV adverts, radio, in cinema, billboards, side of buses, through such things as those stautes mentioned by Saskia, the hotel painting etc in just America. Now think of how much more money will be spent world wide, the number must be astronomical :wacko:
I do agree advertising is necesarry though..... sadly.