I found and located "game.cfg" for Crysis 2 in "Saved games" folder.
Adjust from there for custom resolution to take affect. The commandline is already there so just change the numbers.
Trying to adjust the resolution from Console, System.cfg & autoexec.cfg WILL NOT work.
Also two very important steps.
1) If you use custom graphics in "autoexec.cfg" make sure you erase the the commandline "sys_spec #" in "game.cfg" file otherwise your settings will be reverted back to default.
2) Make "game.cfg" file "Read-only" otherwise your custom resolution will be reset to default too.
Please feel free to make feedback and let me know how you did.
Attachments: |
Custom resolution.jpg [ 54.8 KiB | Viewed 86 times ] |
C2 game.cfg location.jpg [ 64.86 KiB | Viewed 86 times ] |