I got my game through steam, everything worked fine for a few days but today while playing my game froze. After waiting a minute or so I opened task manager and ended process on Fallout New Vegas. Now when I try to start the game as soon as the first graphic comes up, not the one with the menu to start, options, etc, I get a windows error message and that says launcher has stopped working end process or check for solutions (obviously checking for solutions doesn't work). I tried defraging through steam and restating but neither worked, I would re-install it but I don't want to start over. If there is a quick fix I would love to hear it otherwise I need to know what files I need to copy before uninstalling so I can keep my current character and progress. Thanks for you time!
TL;DR - game wont start I need to know what to copy before re-installing to keep my current saved file (characters and etc.)