Customers as Game testers?

Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:49 am

Out of any game I have ever purchased, I have never encountered a game with this many problems... The frame rate is horrid, the coding is terrible, the game play experience is ruined because of crashes and lag. I will probably never buy another game developed by Obsidion/ Bethesda because it causes for frustration then fun. This game had some really innovative ideas and story lines, and was ruined by its programmers... I have spent five times as much time looking for pathes and crash fixes then actually playing the game. I demand a fix. Why is Bethesda ignoring these problems? Fallout 3 has been out since 2008 and it is still screwed up. Get off your butt and hire some people to create a stable line of code that will properly utilize the video card and processors. How hard is it? Fallout new Vegas is the worst of them all and is not even playable on my elite laptop... I think its time to start giving out some refunds! How can you get away with selling a product that doesn't work?

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Quick draw II
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:58 pm

Sorry about the typo's, I was all pissed and typing to fast...
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Jesus Lopez
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