Lonesome Road Decision

Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:26 am

******SPOILER ALERT************

So for my grand tour of fallout nv I'm playing my favorite character, a good karma person who supports the NCR and it's ideals. although for LR i can't decide weather to kill or spare Ulysses and wether to nuke the legion or not. some advice please?
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:24 pm

Nuke legion, it doesn't really make much difference. And about ulysses, don't touch him! i love that guy :hugs:
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:19 pm

Ulysses is just disturbed by what happened in the Divide, help him see the light and you get to fight along side him which is freaking cool as all hell. The 2 most powerful wastelander's in the Mojave fighting side by side displaying their power. Also Nuke the Legion, the armor you get is cool and non faction all though i would have prefered the NCR power armor as a reward for Nuking the Legion since well. Makes Zero sense to be NCR wearing Legion armor.
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:02 pm

Ulysses is just disturbed by what happened in the Divide, help him see the light and you get to fight along side him which is freaking cool as all hell. The 2 most powerful wastelander's in the Mojave fighting side by side displaying their power. Also Nuke the Legion, the armor you get is cool and non faction all though i would have prefered the NCR power armor as a reward for Nuking the Legion since well. Makes Zero sense to be NCR wearing Legion armor.

It makes zero sense or a Legion camp to be holding NCR Power Armor. It also makes zero sense to go against your characters ideals and beliefs for a piece of equipment that you, personally, 'gotta have'. Because then it's not roleplaying.
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:52 am

Ulysses is just disturbed by what happened in the Divide, help him see the light and you get to fight along side him which is freaking cool as all hell. The 2 most powerful wastelander's in the Mojave fighting side by side displaying their power. Also Nuke the Legion, the armor you get is cool and non faction all though i would have prefered the NCR power armor as a reward for Nuking the Legion since well. Makes Zero sense to be NCR wearing Legion armor.

Huh? He becomes a companion?
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:23 pm

Huh? He becomes a companion?

Temporary during the fake Bolivian Army Ending
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Avril Louise
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:18 pm

What armour do you get from the Legion impact area? And both are faction armours, right? Wearing them tags you as that faction?
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:51 am

Huh? He becomes a companion?

He does not become a companion.
He is referring to the final battle where, if you choose to do so, can convince Ulysses and he will fight along with you against Marked Men.

And no, they both do not have faction disguise effects.
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:54 am

What armour do you get from the Legion impact area? And both are faction armours, right? Wearing them tags you as that faction?

Neither will tag you as a faction and the legion gives you armor of the 87th tribe which is.

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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:15 pm

He does not become a companion.
He is referring to the final battle where, if you choose to do so, can convince Ulysses and he will fight along with you against Marked Men.

Oh well, I reduced him to dust with 6 consecutive headshots (one full VATS attack) with a fully modded GRA Tri-Beam Laser Rifle on Very Hard. He couldnt even pull the trigger cause he was getting overwhelmed by critical hits. If he's supposed to be one of the two most powerful wastelanders in the Mojave then either he needs to eat his spinach or my gun was created by the Gods.
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noa zarfati
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:48 am

Oh well, I reduced him to dust with 6 consecutive headshots (one VATS attack) with a fully modded GRA Tri-Beam Laser Rifle on Very Hard. He couldnt even pull the trigger cause he was getting overwhelmed by critical hits. If he's supposed to be one of the two most powerful wastelanders in the Mojave then either he needs to eat his spinach or my gun was created by the Gods.

He has over one thousand hit points, so I think it might be your gun. The GRA tri-beam laser rifle is a monster.
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james kite
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:36 am

What a huge let down. Finally was able to do LR with Independent way, since Ulysses seems obssessed with me being allied with the NCR, even if I'm neutral to them.

Also, it doesn't matter that ED-E died in the Mojave, when ED-E 2 die in the Divide he still pass his "thoughs" to him and the slide says the original ED-E can continue his work.

No wonder people want only the loot HannibalTheCannibal, is when doing the independent path that you trully understand what happened in the Divide and why Ulysses wants to lauch the missiles, since he doesn't alucinate and mumble about NCR and Legion.
Except the end really f**** everything.

Disappointement... :sadvaultboy:
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Sam Parker
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:02 pm

It makes zero sense or a Legion camp to be holding NCR Power Armor. It also makes zero sense to go against your characters ideals and beliefs for a piece of equipment that you, personally, 'gotta have'. Because then it's not roleplaying.

I sacrified the Lonesome Road perk to stop the launch cause my current character is with the BoS, especially since that's the only way to get an idolized rep with them. That's fine cause I got Divide Survivor instead and Camarader-E is just as good as LR for EW characters anyways.
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:16 am

I sacrified the Lonesome Road perk to stop the launch cause my current character is with the BoS, especially since that's the only way to get an idolized rep with them. That's fine cause I got Divide Survivor instead and Camarader-E is just as good as LR for EW characters anyways.

Er... alright. Cool.
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Michelle davies
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:48 am

It's hard to get an idolised rep with the BoS when they're all dead. :(
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:08 am

I don't get why it always says the apocalypse and stuff when you launch them because you really only take out trade routes and major cities of whoever you choose...not like your obliterating everything
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:49 pm

I don't get why it always says the apocalypse and stuff when you launch them because you really only take out trade routes and major cities of whoever you choose...not like your obliterating everything

Ulysses was going to destroy both the Legion and NCR. If they are gone, then civilization will go with it.
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:15 am

Ulysses was going to destroy both the Legion and NCR. If they are gone, then civilization will go with it.

It's not that simple, By cutting off the Long 15. it will cut off NCR's most vital trade route, or as Ulysses worded it, cut the bear's throat. As for Dry Well's, beyond it destroying what used to be the Twisted Hair's old home before being betrayed by Caesar, I don't know what if any real impact that would have on the Legion's future.
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:55 pm

It's not that simple, By cutting off the Long 15. it will cut off NCR's most vital trade route, or as Ulysses worded it, cut the bear's throat. As for Dry Well's, beyond it destroying what used to be the Twisted Hair's old home before being betrayed by Caesar, I don't know what if any real impact that would have on the Legion's future.

Ulysses never intended to nuke Dry Wells.

Ulysses Plan

Step One: Launch nuke at Long 15, this cuts NCR Supply Lines, the NCR forces at Hoover Dam will lose to attrition
Step Two: The Legion takes the Mojave. The Legion then expands to the west, then Legion will collapse in on itself. Both the NCR and the Legion will be gone.
Step Three: ???
Step Four: Profit
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:07 am

Ulysses never intended to nuke Dry Wells.

Ulysses Plan

Step One: Launch nuke at Long 15, this cuts NCR Supply Lines, the NCR forces at Hoover Dam will lose to attrition
Step Two: The Legion takes the Mojave. The Legion then expands to the west, then Legion will collapse in on itself. Both the NCR and the Legion will be gone.
Step Three: ???
Step Four: Profit

True, but Dry Wells is of historic signifigance to Ulysses, so obviously the missile was programmed by him to be aimed in Legion territory as well.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:02 am

Ulysses never intended to nuke Dry Wells.

Ulysses Plan

Step One: Launch nuke at Long 15, this cuts NCR Supply Lines, the NCR forces at Hoover Dam will lose to attrition
Step Two: The Legion takes the Mojave. The Legion then expands to the west, then Legion will collapse in on itself. Both the NCR and the Legion will be gone.
Step Three: ???
Step Four: Profit

Doesn't he want to nuke the legion if you side with legion? Idk though since when I did it I was NCR
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