Thank you for keeping me engaged! I honestly felt like something bigger than me was going on the whole time, and that while my role was crucial, I was still a part of something far grander. It's hard to imagine games doing something like that these days, but you have pulled off a rare and beautiful thing here.
Not only that, but the surroundings were surreal. The whole time I was playing, I couldn't even believe that it was real. It was like a dream. The world was so rich and vast, I couldn't believe it! Everywhere I looked I was overwhelmed with subtle detail, blades of grass, leaves on the tress, a bird chirping, a fox darting by. Half the time the only reason I was compelled to move on and do anything other than explore the wilderness was my eagerness to find out what happens next!
There were things to do everywhere. It was hard to stay focused as I followed my destiny. Every town, every cave, every person I met opened up new things that I could do and explore, and I'm eagerly looking forward to breaking into some of these incredible side adventures in the coming weeks. But for now, I just had to take a moment and give back a few good words. I had such a great time, and I am so excited to playing more, that I really felt I had to come back here and thank everyone that played a role.
That goes to you too, forummers. Your feedback and your thoughts are a big part of Bethesda's development process. I really feel that without you guys voicing your thoughts combined with Bethesda's willingness to hear them, none of this would have happened so perfectly.
So there you go. I just wanted to thank everyone here for the wonderful dream I had last night. It was truly amazing.