Crytek, you have ALL of our stats available to you via, the official leaderboards, Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network services. It isn't the most elegant solution, but it is an effective and efficient solution!
Frustrated with this glitched Achievement / Trophy, I deleted my local game save in an attempt to find a solution. This has been reported to work on these forums while others dispute the results. I lost my Level 50 rank online and my original, time-stamped game save of March 22, 2011.
This was clearly a BOTCHED and CONIVING attempt by EA / Crytek to artificially keep this community active. Despite this failed attempt, the ONLY people who remain to be inconvenienced are hardcoe fans anyway!
Crytek, please govern yourself accordingly.Give your fans and your customers a reason to respect your studio, staff and leader, Cevat Yerli. The message is clear:
"DEBUG your code, SUPPORT your products, and RESPECT your customers!"