I'm currently sporting these sidearms:
Lucky (LOVE the look and the low AP consumption)
.44 Magnum modded (Looks supersweet, but I haven't found the scope yet)
Hunting Revolver
And soon the Ranger Sequoia (once I've completed the NCR quest for it).
And these rifles for medium-long range:
Hunting Rifle fully modded (my favorite so far)
This Machine (hard to hit anything I feel)
Trail carbine unmodded, but looking for the scope. Think this could be the winner.
Brush Gun (again, hard to aim due to the metal sight)
Ratslayer, but it's not powerful enough, obviously.
I really like Lucky because of the low AP, but it's not that powerful. I'm afraid I won't have enough 0.45-70 Gov't rounds for the Ranger and Hunting revolvers if I decide to usethe Brush Gun, which leaves a fully modded 0.44 Magnum.
As for the rifles, I really want something with a scope as I have to shoot at least twice to hit the target at long range with the metal sights, which unfortunately makes the Brush Gun a hard choice, although it totally rocks on all other levels.
What are you guys' experiences and favorites?