[Idea / WIP] Morag Tong Expanded

Post » Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:19 pm

Hello everyone. A while back I attempted to make a tiny mod to add a bit dungeon extension to a Morag Tong quest. However, as I got busy with real life the work on that faded away. But now I'm going to give modding another crack, but this time I want to be just a little bit more ambitious than before, and so I began planning for ideas for the "Morag Tong Extended" mod.

I've always liked the Morag Tong as a concept, but I also thought that the guild was not as interesting as it could be in-game since most of the quests were too similar. I'm hoping to try and tackle that issue with this mod.


The purpose of the Morag Tong Expanded Mod (MTE)is to add more depht to the Morag Tong faction with the addition of extra quests which are slightly more varied than the usual writs, as well as to add a reason to visit the guildhalls outside of Vivec. The mod will include:

- At least 3 quests for each of guild masters in Balmora, Ald-Ruhn, and Sadrith-Mora. The quests from the masters will represent 3 small story arcs in which you deal with the Dark Brotherhood, Sixth House plots, and some questionable writs. These quests will be given under the topic "special duties" once your character reaches a certain rank.

- Several quests given by other Morag Tong members.

- Enhancements to some of Eno's "special duties" to make the fight against the Dark Brotherhood a little more challenging.

- [Possible] Grandmaster "special duties". I've only given a little bit of thought to this so far, but I am considering some quests for your character to do as Grandmaster.

- [Possible] A small amount of unique dialogue for some Morag Tong members. Of course, it won't be on the same level as the lgnpc mod, but I might consider writing a few unique entries for at least the two masters not covered by lgnpc.

Now, I will admit that my knowledge of Morrowind modding is in fact very... very small, so unfortunately I cannot promise massive quests with loads of fancy scripting. However, I will try to design the quests in this mod to be interesting and well balanced within the game, with hopefully some nice characters and equipment.


So far I have:

- A written outline for the 9 quests given by the guild masters.

- (Hopefully) written up all the dialogue and journal entries for the 3 Balmora quests. I am now in the process of making the interior cells for the last mission, after which I may consider asking some nice people to help me with testing it.

I will be open to any comments, questions, criticisms, or suggestions any of you have about my idea and work. I seriously hope that I can create something that will be enjoyable.
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Rach B
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