-when you go to jail anymore your stats don't dissolve.. apparently they some can be reset?? hmm... and there is more than one kind of prison
-the story tracker actually tracks every thing.. even the little things such as dropping a plant or sword and also can differ how people treat you
-if you anger someone they aren't bound to what weapon if any they've been givin to begin with (in otherwords if they have a 1H mace that does 5 damage and theres a 1H or 2H sword that does 11 damage.. chances are that they'll be grabbing it before long)
-some enemies or civilians you attack will beg for their life(i know it's already been released that some will try to run)
-smart AI resulting in enemy ambushes?
-the ability to use tanning and smithing together to create different characteristics on weapons such as gold weapon/ wolf pelt handle??(even though i wouldn't want a gold weapon.. would be too soft :-p)
-not only can you do shield bashes.. but now also bow bashes if an enemy gets too close.
-Many factors will determine whether or not some guards will let you off some crimes (such as faction rep and such)
-when a crime is commited you can eliminate all witnesses and not be caught (also already been released)
-hand to hand combat may still be useful (and not only for tavern fights)