So I bought F:NV for 50 or 60 bucks as a download, which should be discounted since there's no CD, jewel case, or printed manual included, and now it's $10 per DLC on top of that? The objective seems to be to squeeze $100 per gamer per game these days, am I wrong? I'm a loyal, paying customer yet I have to shoulder the so-called burden or piracy, and the costs of developing anti-piracy techs, and then get stuck with having to deal with those protections each time I use the game. I admit that last burden is less noticeable or more automated these days, but you realize it's there when your internet is down in a real hurry.
So I finally finished F:NV, and I can spend another 40 on DLC or 60 for RAGE. OK, you're getting the money either way

but I'm just writing you to tell you that at half the price I would've bought the DLCs & RAGE. Greed has failed you.