Share your Morrowind story

Post » Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:16 am

I remember . It was in the summer of 2003. i just bought an ATI radeon 8500 all-in-wonder in jnr's NY. The Gpu shipped with Morrowind's CD. Got back to my country (Haiti) and installed the new GPU. I never bothered installing Morrowind since i never heard about it ( no net , i.e no IGN review etc...). A good friend of mind asked me if he could borrow the could . After a few days , he told me it was the best game he ever played. I followed he's advice of giving it a try , and here i'm am. IT's the best game i ever played, by far. In the second spot comes diablo 2 , fallout 3 , zelda ocarina of time and Wow ( in term of pure enjoyable experience).

But as far as immersion , triggering my imagination , soundtrack's epicness etc goes , Morrowind it on a level of it's own.

Share your first experience :)
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Brandon Wilson
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