Order in england (like i did), and the problem is solved. Always uncensored, no crappy translations (like Oblivion), and most of the time cheaper - the only drawback is that you might have to wait a day more. But thats the only one...
Eventuell brauchst du noch eine Kredikarte, aber die kann man z.B. bei http://www.kalixa.com/de-de/Guest-Areas/Ueber-Kalixa/Was-ist-Kalixa/ extrem günstig (Karte kostet einmalig 5€, und das wars) bekommen.
Problem is that there are still the rumors about region locks. So even if I did order from the UK, I wouldn't be able to activate my game. Online distributors appear to not sell their games to buyers outside thier own countries. So, yes, the question remains unanswered. Considering the fact that it is activated and managed over Steam, I would hope that I don't have to play in German - however if a pre-order at Amazon.de will force me to play in German, I will very much reconsider and try to find some other way.
I have attempted to get info from Steam as well as Beth. directly - but sadly nobody seems to feel responsible to actually reply and give me, and all those (well, I only know of Germans) anything to work with. Maybe bumping this topic will eventually get us an answer and possibly even a workaround - something that seems really ridiculous considering the already present language switch option in many, many games. And even those that argue that a language pack will take up too much space on the DvDs; Steam already made it possible to play games in languages that are not your mothertongue.
I apologize for the wall of text, however being left in the dark, despite begging for a hint of information is getting really old.