» Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:32 pm
They are on the far civilized end of Raiders. Like the Brotherhood they harm their environment because of laziness to grow their own crops instead of pure evilness/kicks like the more usual small time Raiders. Khans are quite vile sometimes but they often show very understandable traits and nobility. They are the so-called http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NobleSavage. The Khans let anyone join them if they just pass the ritual, treat their people fair and are ready to cooperate with others if it serves the common good - raiding caravans seems more like just poking the bear rather than active campaigning.
That said they were your typical heartless Raiders in Fallout 1, but by NV they have become a more permanent faction, one with members eager to start a new more balanced life.