New Graves Expanded

Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:41 am

Hey Guys i looked for mods which expanded all graves in morrowind. i found a few mods but all of them are a bit boring. is anybody here who works on a new mod for the graves already? the second question is: do you want a mod which expand the graves and make them darker, a bit more mysterious and with more treasures?

sry about my bad english, i have to improve my spelling and so on.

i hope you give me your opinons to the topic.


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Dark Mogul
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Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:48 am

I recommend Ivza's for some more atmosphere. From its readme file:
You will hear sounds every now and then. Some enemies
have had their AIs scripted. There are some flying objects
here and there.

There are a few illusionary walls here and there that are
controlled by triggers that activate upon your approach.
Both events play the same sound and display a message saying an
illusionary wall has appeared or disappeared. If you don't want
this, then type in console

In short, it'll make raiding tombs more spooky.
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