» Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:55 am
Eh idk. How far do companions level? Are there still Fortify Attribute/Skill spells?
I wouldnt do it as a PURE healer, no. But as a Restoration/Conjuration/Illusionist? Seems pretty viable. Use Illusion for CC(frenzy, calm) and Conjuration for an extra sidekick+control spells, with you primarily backup healing(and buffing) with some CCing... Id still make use of a weapon and maybe Heavy Armour(tanking is a form of crowd control) + shield, or spell+shield, but I dont see why it wouldnt work. The only caveat would be any situation or quest where you cant have a companion with you, but summons would still work.
Edit: This is partly because in past games enemy AI always makes a b-line strait for the player, and I dont imagine it to change much in Skyrim(they are taking steps forward, but theyre baby steps). A solution may be to have a short 1-3s Invisibility spell to use as an aggro drop, if that spell is still in the game.