I always like to be ready and prepare before something happens. So the first thing I will do when I start the game is go to Riverwood, work my ass off cutting wood and earning enough money to buy like 100 'standard' restore health potions. These potions ought to stay with me for the next 10 levels or so and they will serve me well against my first dragon encounter. What's your plan against those beasts?
I'll live day by day, but by doing so I'll be preparing. Doing thieves guild quests, alchemy and other jobs to make money to prepare to fight dragons ( now wether I do this for my first character or not I don't know, my first one will probably do mq and then the other stuff/ living life...)
I will just get through it, i'm likely to be carrying a bunch of crap around anyway after a while like in OB, and just like in OB all that random crap i never use will eventually save me in a random unexpected fight at some point.
I like only carrying stuff that I could feasably carry. So 100 potions would be way too much stuff, unless they make the bottles smaller. I only have like 3 potions on my character in oblivion, as I imagine he has a satchel or travel pack with him.
I always like to be ready and prepare before something happens. So the first thing I will do when I start the game is go to Riverwood, work my ass off cutting wood and earning enough money to buy like 100 'standard' restore health potions. These potions ought to stay with me for the next 10 levels or so and they will serve me well against my first dragon encounter. What's your plan against those beasts?
I'll just go about my business as normal, and when the dragon lands in front of me, I'll scream, get eaten, restore from last save, and then go in and commence epic battle.
Im completly random with what i did in OB so ill probably be completely random when i play skyrim if im ready to fight a dragon then ill fight a dragon if im not ready ill still fight a dragon :flamethrower: :ahhh:
My character doesn't know that dragons are hostile towards him. So the first encounter, he won't be prepared. From then on out, he'll make sure hes ready.
Go to a town, get pounded, knock a few men/women out at a bar, sleep w/ a woman (if it's in), chop some wood, forge my own war axe, and become well rested. Health potions are like condems; F*** 'em I go raw.
I'll prepare by spending time smithing an awesome sword for myself and training my magic skill. Once I've geared up ill put on my dovakiin helmet and charge into the tundra/dragon territory on my horse.
I dont feel like finding my source but i do remember reading something about having help on your first dragon fight. It will be somewhat of a way to 'feel out' or test the strength of the dragon.
"drink a potion or two, coat your blade with an oil!" lol, seriously, witchers know how to take down beasts...preparation and timing my friends. avoid conflict if you fear for your survival.