Due to a mess up with installing Requiem for the Capital Wasteland, I'm now stuck with a FONV that crashes upon start-up. I've tried everything that I know how to do to get it sorted, namely system restore (which failed), uninstalling via steam, and uninstalling via disk (then re-installing via steam/disk).
At the moment the game crashes on start-up no matter how I do it, FOMM, Steam, or icon...
I'm almost positive if I can just re-install it and get the basic game back it'll sort it out, since the disk won't have the messed up version on it. But so far every time I uninstall then reinstall, it just gives me the same problem, crash on start-up - I checked in the Data files & saw the RFCW readme files still there, so it seems to be keeping old stuff and just adding it all back in (mods & all).
Anyone know how to do this?