Anyways the actual issue.. it turns out as soon as I started up a mage character I joined the Vvardenfell mages guild as an Associate. After I joined I immediately went to Helnim and then up to Firewatch and joined the Mainland Mages guild.. my question is, I burned through the first quest giver after becoming an apprentice for the mainland mages guild (since I'm assuming they didn't rank me higher since I wasn't any higher than an apprentice in the islands mages guild). Now I gained a few ranks but I am not of adequate rank to do the SECOND quest givers quests who requires you to be a warlock I believe.. Or actually it might be a conjurer.. either way, I went back and ranked up to Warlock or so on the Islands mages guild, but I still can't rank up in the Mainland mages guild.. I can't take any more quests from them to rank up, and I need to rank up to get more duties from them..
Has anyone come across this little conundrum before? This seems like a fairly big oversight either on my part, or on the quest designers part.. am I missing something? I can try and clarify if anyone isn't quite getting what I'm asking.. but it seems like this quest line is broken a bit.