As you can probably tell, through RAGE, the port didn't go as well as hoped... Please, please please please, remember your roots and where your games started and became popular... PLEASE! When porting it to PC (and this may be a tad late to be said, or has said plenty of times before) please remember that PC gamer's hate moving their mouse on a menu screen a lot. Allowed to use arrow keys or WASD to select and using enter to take, equip and the like makes us all very happy. As a HUGE PC gamer who is playing Morrowind right now (and about to finish and start oblivion again), just keep in mind the menu should be easy to use. Simple for PC just as it is for Console.
And it should work damn near flawlessly on release for PC as well since you were able to do it for a console, you have the ability to do it for PC. Please don't become the one of those industries that makes a console game, then throws it out on PC and gets really, REALLY, lazy and says it's fine stop whining. If something is wrong, help fix it and do your best. Your modding community is huge and loves a working, lovingly beautiful, game they can play with and mod soon after a release.
I stress the menu because I notice there are never (nor have been for PC) any "take all" quick keys, or quick keys to close the current menu open fast and simply. Since you're porting it, port it with short cut keys to make menu browsing quick and easy, since your porting it from a console build which already has that built in. This statement includes the two Fallout games you have released with your name on them.
Just thoughts I fear in the next generation of RPG gaming, that you seem to leading quite well. Please consider, because this is the only way I know of showing you that it does matter, and I hope this is read and passed on for people to see.
EDIT: Just so I make this clear, I understand RAGE wasn't made by Bethesda now, but as the golden rule goes, he who has all the gold makes the rules. So my point is didn't Bethesda even CHECK rage well before release? It's a great game, but the port is craaaaap.
And it should work damn near flawlessly on release for PC as well since you were able to do it for a console, you have the ability to do it for PC. Please don't become the one of those industries that makes a console game, then throws it out on PC and gets really, REALLY, lazy and says it's fine stop whining. If something is wrong, help fix it and do your best. Your modding community is huge and loves a working, lovingly beautiful, game they can play with and mod soon after a release.
I stress the menu because I notice there are never (nor have been for PC) any "take all" quick keys, or quick keys to close the current menu open fast and simply. Since you're porting it, port it with short cut keys to make menu browsing quick and easy, since your porting it from a console build which already has that built in. This statement includes the two Fallout games you have released with your name on them.
Just thoughts I fear in the next generation of RPG gaming, that you seem to leading quite well. Please consider, because this is the only way I know of showing you that it does matter, and I hope this is read and passed on for people to see.
EDIT: Just so I make this clear, I understand RAGE wasn't made by Bethesda now, but as the golden rule goes, he who has all the gold makes the rules. So my point is didn't Bethesda even CHECK rage well before release? It's a great game, but the port is craaaaap.
Let me clarify here that I'm not looking for a flame war, or anything bad of this sort. I just want people to support a good PC port/build for those of us who enjoy it there with the mod community and amount of customization. Please keep it all positive here.
I know I am REFERENCING the game RAGE a lot, but it just worries me is all.