[WIP] TES Search

Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:37 am

Fligg: I am back messing around with essearch and am looking into this. There is an error in the xml document: http://www.fliggerty.com/ghf_hosted_mods.xml on line 1263 in that from what I can see the title element is not closed and description is not opened leading to this problem.

The one issue I can see is that possibly my scraqer may run out of memory when parsing the larger XML document. We will see. (This may just become an issue if the number of mods that mwmoddinghistory has increases by a large amount)

The XML node format is slightly different between the two; the GHF one has version and game. I can add those to MMH if you'd like, if it would help with making the template. Just let me know.

It isn't a problem, the code for pulling the data out of the xml is easy. Setting up the backend is slightly more difficult (only slightly)
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Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:28 am

How have I not known about this? Insta-bookmarked!

I second some other's calls to place ratings, where possible, into the search results, and possibly make the search results sortable (by date submitted, by rating, etc).

This has already simplified my search for clothing replacers, so thanks! :goodjob:
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Robert Jr
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Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:57 am

Good to see you around Yac. I'll check that XML error. It's probably just a bad character from one of the newly posted mods. I definitely am working on something better than just posting mods to a forum.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:19 pm

Fligg: Any news on getting the error sorted?
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Greg Swan
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Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:10 am

A link to the site is in my sig. Let me know if you're interested and what we need to do to make the site indexable. Thanks.

Basically I need the mod information in a standard format. I could probably parse it now, but I wouldn't really be able to get author information.
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Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:17 am

Let me know how you want the information sorted and we'll get on it. Some of our content is only visible to registered users; how do you want to handle that? It's our advlt and AlienSlof's (which is mostly advlt, but some isn't) content that's only viewable to registered users.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:16 pm

Some of our content is only visible to registered users; how do you want to handle that? It's our advlt and AlienSlof's (which is mostly advlt, but some isn't) content that's only viewable to registered users.

I would create an account for the bot. I am not sure how I would handle it on my sites side. Shouldn't be too much of a problem though as IIRC your site prompts for sign up with a nice-ish error message and the same thing happens for TES-Nexus with advlt mods.

Let me know how you want the information sorted and we'll get on it.

I have had another quick look and I am fairly sure that I could get the majority of the mods, the one issue being that I can't reliably get the author so I would in most cases just have to leave it as "Unknown". (I would be able to get the author if an entire sub forum was made up of one author, Solf for instance).

If you see the lack of being able to parse author as being an issue (Not being able to would occur when the title isn't in the format "NAME'S mod" or "mod by NAME", basically one of a finite set of patterns. (I couldn't find anything indicating the author in the first post)) then you may want to look into something like the XML that Fligg did. Or maybe something in the first post. In other words, some way to find the author that can be broken down into a logical set of steps.
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:09 am

Yacoby => sorry to wrote this here but your mailbox is full.
Can you take a look at my post please :sweat: => http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1180562-yacobys-wrye-mash-fork/page__view__findpost__p__18229106
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:27 pm

I would create an account for the bot. I am not sure how I would handle it on my sites side. Shouldn't be too much of a problem though as IIRC your site prompts for sign up with a nice-ish error message and the same thing happens for TES-Nexus with advlt mods.

I have had another quick look and I am fairly sure that I could get the majority of the mods, the one issue being that I can't reliably get the author so I would in most cases just have to leave it as "Unknown". (I would be able to get the author if an entire sub forum was made up of one author, Solf for instance).

If you see the lack of being able to parse author as being an issue (Not being able to would occur when the title isn't in the format "NAME'S mod" or "mod by NAME", basically one of a finite set of patterns. (I couldn't find anything indicating the author in the first post)) then you may want to look into something like the XML that Fligg did. Or maybe something in the first post. In other words, some way to find the author that can be broken down into a logical set of steps.

We'll reorganize our mods with the author's name if you'll add our site to your engine. ;)
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Post » Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:09 pm

I am getting errors for ESsearch - saying its timeout and now saying theres a problem loading page. Anyone else having this problem?
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Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:33 am

I'm getting an "unable to connect" too.

May be down for maintenance? :shrug:

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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:15 pm

May be down for maintenance? :shrug:

I hope so :(
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:20 am

It is down, I know about it and am complaing to my host about it (They move boxes and don't have something installed that they should have)

If you really really need to use it, there is a very development version here that won't be up for long. Has most of the data though.
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Adam Porter
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Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:49 am

It is down, I know about it and am complaing to my host about it (They move boxes and don't have something installed that they should have)

If you really really need to use it, there is a very development version here that won't be up for long. Has most of the data though.

Thanks and keep up your hard work on this. :foodndrink:
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:37 pm

If you really really need to use it, there is a very development version here that won't be up for long. Has most of the data though.

Forgot to add, if you see any stupid errors with the above (like not filtering by game, which was happening just now) feel free to point them out. I know about it not showing the number of mods for each game correctly.

That version there is the remote development build for the new version, which mainly has fixed (and more) scraqers and far faster searching.
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Ben sutton
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Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 1:12 am

FYI your old http://search.yacoby.net/ site is now back online and here some statistics. :user:

ES Search - http://search.yacoby.net/
Unique Mods: 41540
Oblivion: 28871
Morrowind: 12693

ES Search - http://tessearch.jacobessix.com/
Unique Mods: 41160
Oblivion: 0
Morrowind: 0

As you can see there is 380 mods on the new site that aren't included in the statistics of your new site.

Why not ask Fligg if you can host ES Search on GHF and if ES Search is down you can look on http://status.fliggerty.com/index.php of what status ES Search has. :)
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Post » Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:26 pm

It still had the old Morrowind Modding History mods on. I removed them and it reduced the number of mods by about 550 or so. It may drop again as I may remove all the wiwiland mods so they can be reindexed to make use of UTF-8.

Why not ask Fligg if you can host ES Search on GHF and if ES Search is down you can look on GHF Site Status of what status ES Search has.

Given how the the newer versions work, I quite like having root access to my server. It will all be shifting over to the new server soonish anyway. (the tessearch.jacobessix.com one has a load of improvements, like full UTF8 support (stil needs tweaking), better parsers and that sort of thing).

(Of course the url will change).
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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:49 am

Yacoby, I sent you an email at the address you have on file at GHF FYI.

Are you planning on setting up any sort of wildcard mod_rewrite redirect or anything at the old URL? That would be most useful for those of us that have incorporated ES Search into various development projects....
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:53 am

Yacoby, would it be possible to get some sort of data dump of all mods hosted at one particular site you have indexed? ie can you get a list of all mods at ElricM?
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Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:30 am

Yacoby, I sent you an email at the address you have on file at GHF FYI.

Uh, that address is old. Any chance you could change that address to jacob at jacobessix dot com? That way I can recover my GHF password...

Are you planning on setting up any sort of wildcard mod_rewrite redirect or anything at the old URL? That would be most useful for those of us that have incorporated ES Search into various development projects....
Yes. The old url will work fine when I port it all over.

IDK when that will be. I have loads of other projects to try and sort.

Yacoby, would it be possible to get some sort of data dump of all mods hosted at one particular site you have indexed? ie can you get a list of all mods at ElricM?

Sure. Anyone who wants is welcome to the entire db dump if they really want it. It may not be totally up to date though.
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Post » Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:46 pm

Uh, that address is old. Any chance you could change that address to jacob at jacobessix dot com? That way I can recover my GHF password...

Done. I'll resend my email from yesterday.

Yes. The old url will work fine when I port it all over.

IDK when that will be. I have loads of other projects to try and sort.

Excellent to hear. :celebration:

Sure. Anyone who wants is welcome to the entire db dump if they really want it. It may not be totally up to date though.

Yes please...that would be fantastic. What would your preferred method of transferring it be?
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adam holden
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Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:20 am

Yes please...that would be fantastic. What would your preferred method of transferring it be?

If you just want the ElricM mods:

The majority of the db is here (or will be in about 3 mins when it is finished uploading):
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james kite
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Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:44 am

Can anyone see any horrendous errors with this?:

If not I will redirect the old site to the new (all old links will work fine)

In other news, hopefully soon I will have MMH parser setup fully.
I think in total I have about 14 sites being parsed (just, a few are broken) and after that you start running into issues with the number of mods.

See here for parsers that haven't been done: https://github.com/Yacoby/es-search/issues?labels=PaserReq&sort=created&direction=desc&state=open&page=1

What I have in various states of working (FilePlanet, ElricM, Fliggerty.com aren't working):

Any other sites that need doing, let me know. They need 250+ mods for me to consider writing a full blown scraqer for the site soon as I don't have much time for projects atm, if they have less they are likely to be put on the backburner. If less than that, if you can setup an XML/JSON sheet with all the mods on, then I can just scraqe that one a week or so (as it is a standard format it takes me about 10 minutes to setup a scraqer for it, including testing)
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:22 pm

You can add this ite well known and update translated mods (and also mod created by frenchs) into French =>
- for Morrowind mods => "http://www.confrerie-des-traducteurs.fr/morrowind/index.php"
- for Oblivion mods => "http://www.confrerie-des-traducteurs.fr/oblivion/index.php"
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Marine x
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Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:40 am

You can this well known and update translated mods (and also mod created by frenchs) into French =>
- for Morrowind mods => "http://www.confrerie-des-traducteurs.fr/morrowind/index.php"
- for Oblivion mods => "http://www.confrerie-des-traducteurs.fr/oblivion/index.php"

Ok, cheers. Added to the todo list.
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