And his heart was awake enough to laugh at Trinimac and Auri'el. I just get the feeling the Dragonborn prophecy could be the reason the daughters of Kyne taught men Thu'um in the first place.
Also, screw Akatosh! I wanna see some Shor action going on! This is [censored] Skyrim, Shor has to be number [censored] one. In fact, the ending better have it so that the Dovakiin pulls out his/her own heart and banishes Alduin back to being the earthbones again, just like what happened during the creation of Mundus!
Who knows, maybe Dovakiin is one of the other divines in mortal form, and can only reach his/hers true power when facing him down in a final confrontation.
Maybe Alduins just a dragon with an eating dis-order and you have to counsel to recovery huh did anyone consider this? I didn't think sooooooooo..............