Husband: "Wha-took you so long?"
Marry: "There was a line-up for the tomatoes, I couldn't afford to go straight for the onions or the salad wouldn't be a salad. If it wasn't for th.."
Husband: "Just go make me a sandwich."
Marry: "Oh dear, I don't think we have any more ham left.. What have you been doing this whole day?"
Husband: "Why, I was looking for a new job like you told me to but no one would take me. I'll have to go look again tomorrow once I finish watching my morning program.. Those darn neighbors from hell are awefully loud at that time."
Marry: "Just make sure you take out the trash this time or the flies will come pesting us again."
After Marry finished preparing their supper, they each took their side of the couch in front of the boob tube and began chuckling to themselves or eating their mashed potatoes and salad in a displeasing noise. When the news report was about to start, the husband stood up, stretched his arms while scratching his ribs (he could do both at the same time) and went to bed. Marry was finishing her meal and saw a life insurance commercial with a happy family in the background. She turned off the boob tube, cleaned the dishes and joined her husband.
At six, they both got up at the same time. Marry went to fix her hair and brush her teeth while the husband lay down on the couch while scratching his belly and tried to turn on the TV but the remote wasn't responding. He cursed it, stood up and all by himself went to press the faraway button. Marry came in and saw her husband's hard work.
Marry: "When do you intend to go, she asked, still brushing her teeth."
Husband: "I don't think that something will work out today, I'll be sure to look tomorrow though."
She starred at him for a few seconds, toothbrush still at hand. She started to talk faster and in a higher tone.
Her husband noticed it and quickly responded: "Don't you start arguing with me."
Marry howled: "Oh but there's never any arguing with you! You're the stinking lion king here waiting for his females to do the hunting for him, of course you're not going to argue."
Husband: "You're in for it now!"
From a floor below, we could hear all the screaming and things hitting the floor. The man watching his morning comedy said to himself: "Those darn neighbors from above are awefully loud at this time."
- I felt compelled to write a short story in 30 minutes, I just thought about this this morning.
Hope you enjoyed for those who like reading