the completon of the quest as intended. To clarify the problems are:
1. During night it doesn't increase DR and it seems to diplay heath as (for my charcter) 485/280
2. During the day it doesn't incure any of the negative penalties.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
scn DSVampireTimeEffects
Short ModParameter
Short DoOnce
Begin GameMode
If DoOnce == 0 && (GetGlobalValue GameHour >= 18) && (GetGlobalValue GameHour < 6)
Player.GetBaseAV Health
Set ModParameter to GetBaseAV Health
Player.ForceAV Health, ModParameter
Player.ModAV Health 200
Player.ModAV DamageResist 100
Set DoOnce to 1
If DoOnce == 1 && (GetGlobalValue GameHour >= 6) && (GetGlobalValue GameHour < 18)
Player.GetbaseAV DamageResist
Set ModParameter to Player.GetbaseAV DamageResist
Player.ForceAV DamageResist, ModParameter
Player.ForceAV Health 50
Set DoOnce to 0
Short ModParameter
Short DoOnce
Begin GameMode
If DoOnce == 0 && (GetGlobalValue GameHour >= 18) && (GetGlobalValue GameHour < 6)
Player.GetBaseAV Health
Set ModParameter to GetBaseAV Health
Player.ForceAV Health, ModParameter
Player.ModAV Health 200
Player.ModAV DamageResist 100
Set DoOnce to 1
If DoOnce == 1 && (GetGlobalValue GameHour >= 6) && (GetGlobalValue GameHour < 18)
Player.GetbaseAV DamageResist
Set ModParameter to Player.GetbaseAV DamageResist
Player.ForceAV DamageResist, ModParameter
Player.ForceAV Health 50
Set DoOnce to 0