I was thinking when playing Fallout 3 the when you killed tenpenny that. survival of tenpenny tower at the end game was shown if you donated caps to pay after he was dead. or if you gave food and guns to Bigtown that at the end thay florest past anything in the wastland. anything that is player helped aka a voult thats been abandend and the player can invite wastlanders to stay . cook, gaurds , someone to run a shop . and donate food water guns armor . or pay raiders to hit towns . or make a little guy so powerfull that that the games endings got a little stronger aka the Republic of Dave . dosent change game play just the endings . love to see dave RULE DC :gun: :celebration:
and the ending of New vagus. what would be the ending if you had a choice in who got the casino and the power of the defence robco robots after you had gone . BOS . the great kones. followers of the apocalypse. id fell better if the last helping hand was to the followers of the apocalypse thay got the short end of the stick. and vault 19 powder gang if i gave them caps and ammo to fight would thay be on houses side as enforcers just some ideas