Free Stimpacks

Post » Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:18 am

Played FO3 and am now gonna play FNV to pass time till Sykrim. I read on the wiki that you can get some stimpacks from Doc Mitchell through a medicine speech check, but I can't seem to trigger it. I'm on the 360 with the latest patch. The wiki says that you need to talk to him to before you leave his house but when I do there are only the heal, buy and info based options. What am I missing?

I attempt to talk to him after he gives me my stuff. My medicine skill is 30(4 intelligence, and tagged). Does it need to be higher or something?
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:36 pm

Played FO3 and am now gonna play FNV to pass time till Sykrim. I read on the wiki that you can get some stimpacks from Doc Mitchell through a medicine speech check, but I can't seem to trigger it. I'm on the 360 with the latest patch. The wiki says that you need to talk to him to before you leave his house but when I do there are only the heal, buy and info based options. What am I missing?

I attempt to talk to him after he gives me my stuff. My medicine skill is 30(4 intelligence, and tagged). Does it need to be higher or something?

The wiki is incorrect on this one, at least to my knowledge.

The [Medicine 30] check only occurs, as best I can tell, if you have already started Ghost Town Gunfight and are attempting to obtain assistance from the named townspeople. He gives you the stims anyway, passing the check adds two Doctor's Bags.
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:19 am

nope the wiki is right i always get that but im on the PS3 right before i leave his place i always get 4-6 more stimpaks
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:27 am

i thought it was a speech skill check? :confused:
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Post » Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:01 pm

i thought it was a speech skill check? :confused:

nope its a medicine skill check 30 i believe :cookie:
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:12 am

Have you found the chemical set thingy in the room you start off in? IIRC if your science or medicine skill is high enough you get the choice to make either stims or other chems. There's also a gun there you can repair if you pass the skill check. Sorry if that's not what you meant, but that's all I can think of.
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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:19 am

nope the wiki is right i always get that but im on the PS3 right before i leave his place i always get 4-6 more stimpaks

Ok, I know what that is. When you leave he always hands you a bunch of stuff, saying "this is everything I found on you". The [Medicine 30] check is not available at that point as it's related to the quest I mentioned.

Unless I somehow missed a dialogue bit, but then I've gone through all the possible options and never seen such a check when initially leaving his house.
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:25 am

You need 30 speech.
After he gives you your stuff and says goodbye, Talk to him again and you should see a speech check like "Can you give me anymore stims for the road?".
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Post » Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:42 am

Just spent all night playing this, stopped just after I got ED-E.

I figured it out though. The stimpacks he gives you for the Ghost Town Gunfight quest are separate from what I'm talking about, and in that quest he just gives you three stimpacks and the 30 medicine check is for doctor's bags.

Before you leave his house there is another check you can do. Weird thing is my characters natural medicine is 30. But, the check didn't appear until after I used the medicine magazine you can find in the house. When the check did appear it only required 30 medicine even though it wouldn't appear until my medicine was above that. Probably one of the 1000 glitches or bugs in this game. I think if you have a speech of 30 you can get more stimpacks after the medicine check. But as I'm playing a 1 charisma character I had no chance of getting that. You would probably need to tag both medicine and speech as well as have a 7 in both charisma and intelligence in order to succeed in both. You could then respec your character by leaving goodsprings. Of course thats all a bit much for some stimpacks and exp.

This is he buggiest game I've played(haven't really come across any yet but I've read there are tons), how could they let this game out their doors?
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