Object Script
scn FloorSitMkrScriptshort onceref curCompRef ; current companion reference; REMINDER:; Temporary solution. Some mods remove the hired limit restriction. if so So the wrong ref could be set.Begin OnLoad if VNPCFollowers.bCassHired > 0 set curCompRef to RoseofSharonCassidyREF elseif VNPCFollowers.bBooneHired > 0 set curCompRef to CraigBooneREF elseif VNPCFollowers.bVeronicaHired > 0 set curCompRef to VeronicaREF elseif VNPCFollowers.bLilyHired > 0 set curCompRef to LilyREF elseif VNPCFollowers.RaulHired > 0 set curCompRef to RaulREF else set curCompRef to ArcadeREF endifEnd; The GameMode blocktype is where the compiler has trouble accepting the reference variable (curCompRef). :sadvaultboy: However, it will complie if the NPC reference is given explicitly (e.g VeronicaREF). But that would defeat the point of the OnLoad blocktype. Begin GameMode if curCompRef.Waiting == 0 if (once == 0 && curCompRef.GetSitting == 0) set once to 1 disable MarkForDelete endif endifEnd
Any solutions offered will be like giving me an aspirin. :yes: Thanks