Different input/outcome to revealed mini quest

Post » Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:33 am

*Contains possible Spoilers if you haven't been following all the released Information*

Has anyone else considered the possibilities of the different ways of handling the revealed mini quest, the one in Riverwood were Faendal and Sven are both into the same girl?

We've been told about two outcomes already:
-Faendal gives you a letter, you grass him up to both the girl and Sven and Sven gives you gold and sings to you.
-Sven gives you a letter, you grass him up to both the girl and Faendal and Faendal joins you as an archer.
These could be considered the 'good' choice

That straight away gives you two more possible outcomes:
-Faendal gives you a letter and you give that letter to the girl, Faendal rewards you by.........?
-Sven gives you a letter and you give that letter to the girl, Sven rewards you by........?
These could be considered the 'evil' choice

BUT what about a choice that leans towards 'neutral'? Now I know the conventional alignments are not really mentioned in Skyrim but the fact that the game records all of your choices and uses them to determine how your future quests are set up (sure that was Skyrim and not some other game?!) means you want to play true to your character.

To the point already! Do you think that you will have the option to acquire (through asking or pick-pocketing) both of the letters and could you then take both of those letters and hand them simultaneously to the girl in question, thereby opening her eyes to idiocy of the local lads and have her reward you?
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:09 am

I was sort of hoping that you could try woo the woman for yourself if she's so amazing.
But seeing how it requires an Amulet or something to set off the Romance, then I guess not.

Or she could be an evil harpy woman in disguise and is luring men back to her house to eat them...
I'm not a masochist...
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:39 pm

There might be a mid-way option but the game isn't designed towards in depth multi-path/multi-objective at once ala Fallout or Deus Ex.

It goes for simpler, quicker quests with a more limited choice base but Skyrim will have more quests in general.
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:38 pm

There might be a mid-way option but the game isn't designed towards in depth multi-path/multi-objective at once ala Fallout or Deus Ex.

It goes for simpler, quicker quests with a more limited choice base but Skyrim will have more quests in general.

How do you know it hasn't been in depth designed?
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Latino HeaT
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