In the discussion boards on FB I had the pleasure of compiling a large list of things that were small changes to the system from Oblivion and falllout.
Small Favors...
These ideas are for the modding community and Bethesda..Also a substantial amount of these ideas have been confirmed..
Feel free to add your own ideas
*Ability to sleep in/ own a house where you killed the owner (confirmed)
*decorating the house
*bringing back limited containers so that they can have their contents be displayed
*Storing yours goods in any container and them still being there a few hours later?- Micheal Malcolmson
*The ability to customize the look of armor
*locational damage and locational protection(headshots are believed to be in)
*The ability for the AI to identify and utilize cover for protection
*the ability to completely edit a texture/material procedurally.(decals, color, etc)-Ben Morton
*choosing a dominant hand for combat-Anthony Gillcrist (confirmed) [but there is a different effect... and shields are always in the left]
*being able to alter your character's physeek- Anthony Gillcrist (confirmed)
*being able to get down in the prone- Anthony Gillcrist
*crouching and prone that effect stealth but limit combat-Anthony Gillcrist
*A system for enemies to react to their friend's death similar to "Hitman"-Simone Cominato (confirmed)
*Console Commands for console gamers-Calvin Storey
*expanding our "yield" to normally peaceful creatures
*a "new" chameleon spell. Instead of the whole 100% chameleon = invisibility, how about chameleon IS invisible, when you dont move... the other difference would be that when you DO move, there is a chance that the shield will fail. That chance starts at 100%... so if you do a 10% chemeleon, you are invisible when you dont move, you "shutter" when you do, and you have a 90% chance that the shield fails. A 100% chameleon, has invisibility when still, shutter when moving and 0% chance of the shield failing... Its like active camo.
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*Climbing Dynamics- Garrett Albers
*Duplication as a "thing" not a glitch
*have NPCs ask to yield to you
*the windows or realistic lighting mods? You can see through windows... or the lights in cities go off at night.
*combat mechanic to be improved with something akin to the Deadly Reflex mod- Garrett Albers (confirmed)
*different bottles for different drinks, and maybe give potions different colors based on the "magic" they use (confirmed)
*"I would like the developer give more sense to the existence of various inn, what about the need to eat and drink? I also would like that the effect to drink wine, hydromeal, skooma and so on have effect like (yes, I know, is unpleasant to mention another game) in Grand Theft Auto 4. Also, since we are in a cold region, I think temperature should have effect on your character proportionally to their tolerance. Going to a comfortably inn should give some restoration. What do you think?" -Simone Cominato
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*Damage from objects effected by gravity... like a giant dropped on you (confirmed) [NPCs drop a rock on you
*Addiction, exposure damage - a build off of Simone's
*Crude use of items as weapons for telekinesis
*hardcoe mode-mentioned first by Simone (confirmed not in)
*powerful ramifications to using addictive substances- Garrett Albers (confirmed not in)
*have characters get out of the way... If I walk through a tunnel with 3 people in front of me, I dont want to push through them... they ought to let me walk past rather than stand there like an idiot... maybe a "pushed" reaction for when you bump into them. Could be a good way to make people angry with you.
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*more than 12 voice actors- Paul Coomer (confirmed)
*more ambient critters like bugs crawling or flying around, bee hive hazards (in non-frozen areas of course). Small mammals or reptiles also scurrying around in appropriate areas-Paul Coomer (confirmed)
* more dynamic weather and season effects.-Paul Coomer (confirmed)
*The ability to alter the color scheme of your menu and compass
*bring back the dispose of corpse button
*Ability to carry/ hold a body and use it as cover
*take the rocks you mine and create your own castle.- Tim Kaufman
*No psychic guards- Tim Kaufman (confirmed)
*Putting runes in weapons to cause them to be on fire-Tim Kaufman
*cloaks and hoods that conceal you or your identity-Tim Kaufman
*physical visual side effects from Alcohol, drugs and poisons.-James Smith
*improved roll dodges- Garret Albers (confirmed that roll dodges are back, improved is conjecture)
*Choosing what weapons and armor my companions wear (confirmed)
*you get companions you could send them to a designated area like you house or dungeon what ever you can own-Josh Carnahan
*when you tell a companion to "stay" somewhere, they assume "idol" animations... like leaning up against walls, or going to eat... as long as they stay in the same room.
*Blood draining from fallen foes- Tim Kaufman
*Different quality tools for crafting.(confirmed that their are simply benches)
* the possibility that be drunk should have unpredictable effects on spell? I.E. when you cast a specific spell the real one is another or you hit the wrong target etc...- Simone Cominato
*No armor lockouts (like the palace guard armor)- Time Kaufman
*When I kill a person... or even shoot a person in the water, it would be nice to see a blood plume.
*The idea that small objects need to register more than the chest they are next to- Justin York
*And in FO3 the player could see the weapon condition without entering the menu. It would be nice if a similar system (but better than Oblivion's) existed. However... there was no way to tell how much charge an enchantment has left. Either a status bar or visual signal beyond "enchantment has no more charge", or going to the menu.(confirmed)
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*useless spells... either being made more powerful, or being removed.
*The ability to use quills and inkwells to write notes- Josh Larsen
*Make summons tiered. You can control several low level summons. But only one or two of the highest summons(excluding dragons). You should be able to summon any creature at any level of conjuration but only able to control it if you have the appropriate skill level. Like summoning a Xivilai at level 25 conjuration makes it another hostile npc that attacks you and everything till it expires.-Garrett Albers
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*build visually changes when you increase your strength, increasing the muscles. And what about fat?-Simone Cominato (confirmed that your char doesnt change past what you do in the starting creator)
*Better clothes (Game of Thrones)-Michael Malcolmson
*Better armor-Garrett Albers
*weapons that have visible effects -Started by Tim, expanded by Garrett
*moving objects... like paper blowing, a ball rolling in the street
*Can you make it so that targets and the world dont swallow my arrows? After I shoot 40 they start getting deleted.
*add some benefit to actually using targets and training devices?
*spells to work as sneak attacks- Anthony Gillcrist (confirmed that they can be sileced by illusion perk)
*radius of destruction spells could be manipulated without making a new spell-Anthony Gillcrist
*Bring back some form of spellmaking or the ability to alter the strength/raduis of a spell. Perhaps by how long you hold the trigger. -More discussed around than declared (confirmed holding the trigger or double pulling increases the effect of the spell)
*Bring back hats and things like colovian fur helms
*when sneaking and attacking, can you make it look better? Go to the DB sanctuary and watch Ocheeva sneak attack the dummy... now that is goofy. Especially sneaking with bow drawn and walking.
*combinations "favorited" in the potion making menu.
*Reverse pickpocket weighted items (not easily). And allow for "cursed items" whose enchantment works even when not equipped.(confirmed)
*Allow blocking poison...
*Make hidden chests be hidden treasure, not hidden junk.
*Ability to change/add tattoos and piercing later in the game
*Ability to enchant piercings
*Selectable enchantments for the beginning of the game... akin to weak natural resistances
*When in the zoomed out version of the map, can you make it an option to toggle on and off the clouds.
*can you make night eye like Morrowind's version again. The nighteye in oblivion rendered the light spell useless very early on.
*Can you make furnishings useful. Have people think its rude to talk standing up...something or other like that.
*Make people sleep under the covers
*Let us go in and on the walls
*Make spell traders specialize and never sell the same spell as another person.(confirmed they recommend traveling to other places to get more spells)
*Bring back spell tomes (confirmed as the only way to acquire spells)
*Allow the summoning of creatures not just the deadra and undead. (confirmed)
*Make grand soul gems, deadric armor, master alchemy equipment, and other top of the line things be hand placed in the world and NOT included in the random loot or respawning NPCs.(confirmed)
*Allow for more time-passers... like lute playing, acting..etc. You have some good ones already, but try to expand on it as much as you can.
*Allow dreams to occur like in Morrowind.
*make an economy based questline similar to Bloodmoons
*Vaults... I want them... everyone else wants them. Make GOOD EQUIPMENT WORTH FIGHTING FOR!
*Replica weapons and armor... The answer is no. Take that crap away. Why would a person want a replica of ebony gauntlets to be next to their diamonds? Either make the replica WORTH something, make it semi-useful, or dont have replicas at all.
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*Out of reach items and equipment. If you are gonna make us shoot spells, make the spell at least go to the crosshair. Then when we do knock it down, DONT have walls blocking us from getting them. I am all for higher up stuff. But the difficulty to getting it should be toned down a touch.
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*Let us talk to vampires (even if we arent one). I mean a small coven of them that you become friends with would be awesome and allow for access to different unique items.
*Add cool visual ways to tell in-game time. Sun dials or something.
*Bring back Savants and Scouts. I liked in Morrowind that I could find out about a region, what to expect and cool places to look for by talking to these classes. Each had a new detail making each of them interesting and unique.
*Bring back religion quests. Some of the more difficult and rewarding from Morrowind. Oblivion lacked almost entirely until the KotN expansion.
*make training useful and take off the "max amount of training". If I have the money, I want to train. That's how you get good in the late game.
I was thinking make there be skill caps. 24, 49, 74, 99. I mean in real life, a kid wants to play baseball. Well they can get it to where they can hit a ball and throw and catch. But then they hit a learning curve. So parents pay for them to see a trainer. Then with new skills and basics they can perfect their new adopted style. Then they hit a learning curve again. It is this point that separates the recreational from the competitive. They acquire training from a better coach who specializes in a certain area of play. Then they are trained to their position (or multiple). They then get good at their position until they hit the next curve, which is when the player consults a more experienced player who can see and understand the small problems and emotions of being in a certain position. That is when you become a master.
So you will only need 4 training sessions. Then make those skill based. A trainer has a certain thing you do, and by doing it, your skill increases. (I know... thats a big favor hidden as a small one)
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*Have necklaces show over all robes, clothing, and some armors
*a different bartering system... a combo of Morrowind and FONV- Andrew Garnand and Garrett Albers
*Let the merchants carry worthwhile items. I think after level 3 or 4 the only thing I bought in oblivion were houses, repair hammers, and health potions.-Matthew Baskins
*if you go to a trainer like an armorer and he is the master trainer let him sell decent items that show off his ability.-Matthew Baskins
*allow us to delete spells.-Matthew Baskins
*a key ring.-Matthew Baskins (confirmed)
*Separate quest items into a whole other sub-section of our inventory and once we complete the quest let us take it out of our inventory.-Matthew Baskins
*Make more doors need keys-Matthew Baskins
*For carriages let us see them moving or sometimes not at the post because they are in motion somewhere else in the region.-Matthew Baskins
*Some form of mark and recall or intervention-Matthew Baskins
*loved finding fallen heroes and their journals and notes more of those-Matthew Baskins (confirmed)
*Buyable armor stands and weapons racks please!-Matthew Baskins
*the carriage system to be like RDR. Lets you have a bow/Spells and you fend off bandits on horseback if they attack you.-Garrett Albers
*the Skeleton Key to be an adaptable key that once you acquire any key it memorizes its shape and can alter itself as needed and it memorizes keys from your memory. This makes the key ring unnecessary and it's impossible to get locked out of any quests because of losing your keys. Just not an unlimited lockpick- Garrett Albers
*Tax shipments, political figures... even just commoners. Get random encounter chance of appearing on a road about to be ambushed by bandits, dragons or even you. You can choose to help or harm. If they need protection they get more...(confirmed)
*something like the whole Talon mercs and the goodguys with the dusters to come after me-Garrett Albers
*enemies having varied weapon and armor health? That could be a way to keep rare items rare, but still increase the difficulty of bandits without giving them better material quality.(confirmed not in... perhaps item quality though (the 6 stages) since there isnt health anymore)
*scrolls should revert to the prior spell, and there should be a clear distinction from when you are using a scroll or a spell on the emblem displaying them to you. -Russel Johnson
*Shamans and druids- Garrett and Myself
*Can you have there be some real effects to swinging a weapon while fatigued. I mean sure, you slightly took down the damage effectiveness, but in a war of attrition (oblivion) that didnt matter. In Morrowind it increased the chance that you missed or failed (which is better).
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*make alteration lose the open spells, and instead have forcing the lock be an option. If done alteration skill is taken into account and there is a chance that you will be locked out if it fails. That makes security the "main" and ideal door opener, but not the ONLY option.
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*Keep the ability to enchant paper, but give the player a reason to do so. Like make the spell effects strengths based on the soul you use to make it rather than the enchant skill. Make scrolls be different than regular spells, make them better, but harder to find. I mean still a lot, but I shouldnt find more than 5 in a dungeon.
*Make punishment fit the crime (no death over an apple)- Adam Anderson
*Ability to intimidate merchants into letting you steal their stuff- Adam Anderson
* Mundane items that are stolen should be able to be sold to other merchants. Enchanted or rare items need to be fenced.- Adam Anderson
*faction outfits. Specifically the potential for one to hide ones identity-Garrett and Tim (confirmed for a few factions Thalmor mainly)
*full face helmets concealing identity
*being able to wear multiple rings on each hand-Anthony Gillcrist
*Perks that are unique and rewards for quests (like some FO perks)
*expanded by me...I want environmental damage or disease from exposure to harsh conditions such as freezing winds, ice waters, rotting bodies, poison gasses, plagued ruins and creatures...
*Trampling damage from horses-Garrett Albers
*More pictures in newspapers and books. Not that the writing needs to be dumbed down, so much as a picture of the interview or of a wreckage would make things interesting.
*More maps to be found similar to the Pale Pass quest.
*Like fallout, allow crouching to increase ranged attack accuracy (Bows specifically).
*Have there be benefits to every breed of horse. Not the one is better than the next approach.
*Bring back gambling (if you can expand beyond the arena please do)
*Seasonal changes based upon timeline NOT location on map-Sean Triolo (confirmed not in)
*nonlethal takedowns, finishing moves-Sean Triolo
*Not as dead as you thought, wake up in a web events-Sean Triolo
* Ability to hire maids, slaves or servants - Ron A
* Have events occur in cities that arent quest related, like people getting arrested, or a bar fight- Ron A
*When i walk around naked i want them to yell at me not talk to me like im the greatest thing ever.-Tim Kaufman
*NPCs acting more lively. Such as laughing in a huddled group together or really drunk and raucous at the taverns. Maybe hugging or patting on the back or something. Non lethal fistfights that break out on the streets(Not just in taverns) NPCs who do not like each other and regularly get into fist fights at the bars.-Garrett Albers (a few confirmed)
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*to modify weapons with things similar to New Vegas. Both visual and efficient additions- Garrett Albers
*The ability to see around corners through reflections...and bounce spells off mirrors
*finding Atlases and maps that detail certain information for a region. This could mark certain types of locations on a map, tell what the major hunting in an area is, or even just be a road map. I had this idea more detailed in an older post in a different topic. http://www.facebook....403&topic=17451 for reference
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*Different death animations- Vampires turn to dust, shambles explode etc... -Garrett Albers (confirmed)
*ways to extinguish fires or lights? Either through activation, or by use of a spell.
*have an interface with the map, where the user could add a quick text box to a location: for example hovering the cursor over a location, and an option prompts to add a short text message. There I could write discovered, entered, or cleared.-Anthony Gillcrest
*after it rains or snows KEEP THE WET. So leave snow on the ground or have the environment stay wet for some time after the rain.
*have the weather have more of an effect on the players mud.-Anthony Gillcrist
*small things like when the sun comes out after a snow storm, have the snow fall off the branches of trees.
*current of a river pushes against a player-Anthony Gillcrist
*snow drifts collapsing and snow breaking under your feet. I want environmental hazards not just traps. Make the mountains dangerous in more ways that just monsters. Slippery surfaces. Collapsing ice. Make the water in the northern areas do a very slow frost damage effect to you while in them and for a bit of time afterwards. In the volcanic region which they said there was one id like an occasional fireball/magma particle to slam down doing rather severe damage if it lands directly on me. Maybe some lava flows to go over with weak-points in natural formations that will send you careening into the red hot liquid magma. -Garret Albers
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*steam coming off the volcanic openings-Anthony Gillcrist
*Loose gravel would be kind of cool as a slippery surface to depending on your region. Obsidian surfaces in the Volcanic terrain. Slick Ice in the Cold places. Gravel in rocky places. Mud in the Tundra.-Garrett Albers
*entertainment? Examples from previous TES games include, exotic dancers (Suran in Morrowind), Jugglers (SI expansion), Theather and plays (Tribunal expansion), the already mentioned arena (Oblivion Imperial City), fight clubs (SI expansion), Museums (To see stuff AND get stuff for, closer to FO3 than Tribunal or SI), and paying musicians to play from a few select songs.
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*Card games and more "modern" gambling-Garrett Albers expansion on my statement
*A non-lethal duel where you summon creatures to fight eachother as a gamble- Garrett Albers
*to be able to use a farming scythe as a weapon, and have a set of all black robes.
*to drink the waters in the wilds to regain lost stamina. Or restore a small amount of health and boost stamina till i used it up.-Garrett Albers
*carrying a gourd and collecting out of streams-Anthony Gillcrist
*A spell usable only on NPC's that replicates their exact look onto your character for a brief period or until you dispel it. Essentially turns you character into a copy of that person. If cast on a dead person it will work. Lets you kill someone and take their place. -Garrett Albers
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*Being able to morph into things at will- Anthony Gillcrist
*Relates to quest associated perks.Let your PC get perks as you rank up in guilds. Or a Specific perk that gets stronger as you progress through the guilds/factions.-Garrett Albers
* More nords that are tormented by witches-Michael Malcolmson
*Take away the teleporting weapons when switching between them...make us sheath first.
*Have a means to prevent the jail system abuse to unlock perks and get to large levels
*a magic bow that uses magicka bar combined with stamina and just throw arrows made of magic.-Toyxic Figuras
*swords clashing-Sean Triolo (confirmed not in)
*allow us to own multiple houses
*Actually SEEING what people are eating when they are eating it. Ya know, lift it off the plate and put it in their mouth.
*Small replaceable/ destroyable obstacles/objects(Fences, glass, pottery, china).
*If we can cut wood for fires (at the mill), then allow us to burn firewood or hay and roll it down hills.
*Allow us to steal paintings and art leaving just the frame.
*If it is night in a cave... then I want to see stars from the natural skylights in caves.
*Have voices and sounds echo in caves
*Have the birds be shootable with bow or spell.(confirmed)
*to be able to be knocked off the horse-Andrew Garnand
*The ability to save yourself from a long knockdown-Andrew Garnand
*quick mount if you are sprinting? just have to time it.-Garrett Albers
*1st person animations like mounting a horse -Andrew Garnand (confirmed you cant mount in 1st person)
*arrows are so powerful, it would be cool, whether its you or the enemy, if whichever was knocked from horseback by an arrow
* Torch as a weapon-Daniel Nash (confirmed)
*Ability to poison more than just food (confirmed)
*Possibly camouflage is ably incorporated-Andrew Garnand
*Stealth equipment like smoke bombs, actual small explosives, Molotov Cocktails-Garrett Albers and Myself
*Schematics for creation of rare weapons and armors-Garrett Albers (confirmed that you have to learn how to make items)
*a way to shoot more than one arrow like in LOTR-Tim Kaufman
*Ability to see more than just the items you have equipped-Started in the topic with Tim Kaufman
*While holding a claymore/battleaxe can you utilize spells if your not currently swinging the weapon-Sean Triolo (confirmed not in)
*a lethal version of hand to hand as well as non lethal-Sean Triolo (confirmed)
*H2H perks like disarm or special stealth kill animations-Sean Triolo (confirmed)
*dont pit uber rare items against us that we cant eventually get... my example is the grey aegis.
*enemies that back down or run from a fight.
*A goat that eats whatever you give it... this would be the equivalent of a trashcan that works
*Factions with beds in the facility should be a weekly fee (opposed to free or nightly fees) and if you get to a high enough rank you can stay there.
*Tests of memory... where you arent simply given the correct answer(confirmed)
*Allow the player to actually uncover ruins and fossils and remains. By this I mean places not marked on your map.
*Have more stuff underwater and when underwater, have stuff hidden in kelp and seaweed.(confirmed)
*For the economy thing, let us dam rivers.
*Make powerful spells take longer to cast similar to powerful bows-Andrew Garnand
*carry a bedroll with you so you can sleep in the wilderness. -Andrew Garnand
*make a campfire to keep animals from waking you up in the middle of the night the campfire will disappear after 5 hours. and heres another use for the fire when the weather is cold you can get frostbite and lose health gradually and you'll be slowed like a diesease only temporary when you are out in the cold blizzard you're screen will get icy edges and soon will get frostbite so what do you do? make a fire.-Andrew Garnand
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*Random encounters when sleeping and fast traveling.-Garrett Albers
*add a quicksave feature to the console (not autosave)-Andrew Garnand (confirmed can toggle autosaves for every 5 - 15 minutes)
*make notes of the environment like lots of alchemic ingredients or bandits but I mean like making a remark on a quest about how your companion died a valiant hero or a moron who got eaten by a dragon. Just the ability to add a note to anything that you can see in your journal/questlog/map.[expansion of the notes idea]-Justin York
*ability to copy articles of paper into your journal (things like how-to;s and maps)
*be able to take screenshots and throw them in your journal- good way to organize and remember-Luke Moylan
*a scavenger hunt, we were tasked by certain people with getting a sketch of every type of animal, plant, dungeon and dragon? These sketches would be recorded in our journal
*The shambles skulls in this post http://www.facebook....403&topic=18824
*guards should all have Truncheons of Submission when they want to knock me out -Justin York
*be able to summon Bound Arrows-Jakob Edwards (confirmed)
*the character can collect seeds from plants that used to make potions, and power plant these seeds in a field purchased with their home, thus facilitating the collection and may sell the plants collected on his property.-Vagner Figueira
*Specific music set played when certain main characters enter the scene.
nothing too dramatic. just something subtle to reinforce said characters theme.-Sean Triolo
*ambient Noise/ Asthetics.very simply done,. (confirmed)
* when walking OUTSIDE of a bar or place of heavy activity you hear prerecorded laughter/yelling/music ect-Sean Triolo
*code weather effects, such as Rain pittering or hammering against windows// lightning flashes illuminating the window// thunder to be audible from the inside of a builidng-Sean Triolo
*pre-designed calender events-Sean Triolo
* Tournaments-first mentioned in this topic by Andrew Garnand
*Throwing weapons and spears... wanted by everyone (confirmed not happening)
*the ability to see a sihoette(or burning torches atop) mountains and far away places-Sean Triolo
*a greater power allowing you to dramatically change the weather-Sean Triolo (confirmed)
*Scavengers go into places and surround bodies of things you killed- Sean Triolo
*visible marks or identifying features to show player how creatures/characters were slain- Sean Triolo (confirmed in the demo. Stabbed and scortched bodies)
*a different PLAYER death animation from oblivion.-Sean Triolo (confirmed enemies do finishers to us)
*Finishing moves for spells-Sean Triolo (confirmed- fire they run off, lightning they can disintegrate, frost they get paralyzed)
*(expansion to my idea) NPC IDLE Animations- Sean Triolo
*The whistle of an arrow or spell as it misses you. -Sean Triolo
*have an emote where i can pee-Tim Kaufman
*Ability to be picked up and thrown- Sean Triolo
*Ability to be damaged by "crashing" into large objects- Sean Triolo
*Have mass amounts of enemies be able to knock you down- Sean Triolo
*Have No-Name NPCs have varying health and magic. -Sean Triolo
*Have enemies get sneak multipliers when they attack you when out of your LOS-Sean Triolo
*Have enemies knock you down when they hit you in the back
*Burning Arrows-Sean Triolo
*Ice Barriers that need to be destroyed to advance further, possibly summon-able-Sean Triolo
*Return of Stahlrim and the ice pick
*A chase dungeon with an enemy that is WAY to powerful to beat that you run through the dungeon, dodge the traps and take a high-leveled loot. -Sean Triolo
*A different kind of landing depending on what type of surface you will make contact with -Tim Kaufman
*Diving bases like AC where you know you will land safely
*Have sprint work for swimming like making you swim faster for a short burst. -Garrett Albers (confirmed)
*Companions that DONT REPORT YOU! I dont care if they disagree with my actions and choose to leave... so long as they dont end up putting a bounty on my head when they see me do something bad. (confirmed)
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*Make the AI avoid being outside in storms-Sean Triolo
*Make unique dialogue durring different weather-Sean Triolo
*Take away the oxygen bar or circle when underwater. Instead have the screen gradually fade to black-Sean Triolo (confirmed)
*Ability to acquire multiple ingredients from a single plant or animal (whether in number or types)-Sean Triolo (confirmed)
*Dialogue relating to NPC tasks like reading or working-Sean Triolo
*Ability to sneak attack an NPC 2x-Sean Triolo
*Have NPCs approach and talk to you-Sean Triolo (confirmed)
*Ability to alter the pelt of a Khajiit-Sean Triolo (confirmed)
*Allow the player to use guild services that they offer to NPCs (like praying to the nightmother or hiring an escort)-Sean Triolo
* NPCs clean and maintain houses and shops (confirmed)
* Different reactions from taking from friends- Andrew Garnand (confirmed)
*Unique abilities for companions- Andrew Garnand
*Allow enemies to try to "light" areas they suspect you are in- Andrew Garnand (confirmed dynamic NPC reactions to hidden players)
*Disarming Traps depending on your security level- Andrew Garnand
*Traps that reset themselves after activation
* Being able to change your appearance late in the game- Andrew Garnand (confirmed not in)
*Progressive diseases (start with cold, get flu, get pneumonia)- Andrew Garnand
*A sewer in each city (confirmed in at least 1)
*The ability to attempt a pick pocket on the same person multiple times- Andrew Garnand
*Companions try to release you from jail as a random encounter- Tim Kaufman
*Ability to see self climb in bed- Tim Kaufman
*A courier system- Garrett albers
*A VATS like system that allows you to command your companions quickly-Andrew Garnand (confirmed similar function)
*Perk Tomes -Matthew Baskins
*Creatures that rely on smell (possibly like ants)- Sean Triolo
*Real-time shadows and NPCs noticing them-Sean Triolo
*allow enemies to retreat farther down the dungeon when seeing you to alert the others-Sean Triolo (confirmed)
*footprints in snow and mud- Sean Triolo (confirmed not in)
* Weapons still useable after breaking (like just using the hilt)- Sean Triolo (confirmed weapons dont break)
*ability to grab when a free hand is equipped- Garrett Albers (confirmed you punch with free hand)
*Lightning spells that spread over water
*Ability to freeze water- Garrett Albers (confirmed not in)
*Flowing hair- Garrett Albers
*Items in the world dont all start at 100% item health (confirmed there isnt health)
*Should WW exist, allow visual transformations into them-Caleb Hinton
*SHOW dreams not just a paragraph- Caleb Hinton
*Adjustable font sizes on consoles- Garrett Albers
*Should Vampires return to the TES universe, let the player become infected multiple times. A players reasons for wanting this are many and their own. But it is by far one of the more annoying traits the game has.(confirmed vamps exist and you can catch the disease... but not whether you can cure it and reobtain it)
*if a player gets both vampirism and lycanthropy please dont have the ugly spawn that Bloodmoon introduces.
*hiding in objects such as crates/barrels and other things similar to AC but the containers that you hide in could be unique not every barrel/crate can hide you.....sort of like the DB quest where you hide in the crate to get into the ship-Andrew Garnand
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*Emotionally impactive quests. Some that really make the fact that it is a civil war hit home. With each side having its reasons displayed well.-Garrett Albers
*Depiction of filth... if you see a begger they should have bit of dirt on them. If you havent rested in a day or two your armor shouldnt be quite as shiny. (confirmed)
*Smiles and frowns made more subtle. When a person in Oblivion liked you they seemed so jubulent to see you. It was like a 12 yr old at a Bieber concert. When they didnt like you their face looked like they ate half a lemon. I mean if someone doesnt like you they can seem more aloof to your existence, and if you are really bothering them they can tell you but depending on the race they dont have to be so direct about it.
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*wingless dragons or a return of dragonlings-Garrett Albers
*the ability to go around and instead of needing to mine for ores, you can collect broken equipment to melt down.
*Allow merchants to sell equipment beyond your level. The better they like you the more likely they are to show you their "special wares".
*Actual ceremony and lectures for places like the Imperial Cult. Perhaps even some multireligious conflict.
*Oil and candle refills.
*Make Nighteye toggleable- Andrew Garnand
*Animations for race specific powers- Andrew Garnand
*to block against an arrow shot, with only a blade equipped you deflect/slash/ or break the arrow if you time presicley-Sean Triolo
*By holding an unsheathed blade, a notched arrow, or a destuctive spell in the direction of an npc, you have the potential to 'threaten' -Sean Triolo
*2H weapon in each hand as a perk- Caleb Hinton
*Make enemies smart enough to jump - Toyxic Figuras
*Wet clothing when you get out of a river or if its raining. This could tie into elemental hazards
*Large bonfires or firepits that a player can light at a location. This can be used by the player to indicate whatever they want about the location.
*Enemy respawns take time... dont have a cave full of bandits appear 3 days after you killed all of them, only a few.
*Negative effects of not sleeping
*The existence of werecreatures- Neville Grandison
*Ability to annotate books and letters- Toyxic Figuras
*The ability to forge jewelry not just weapons and armor
*Ability to grab ledges while falling - Caleb Hinton
*Make the natural light at night dark enough to actually require light or nighteye
*Have NPCs have an assortment of potted plants in their homes. Only having Nirnroot was an immersion issue for me
*Different swing/lunge attack animation while jumping- Sean Triolo
*Disable fast travel for Certain quest sequences- Sean Triolo
*A theater mode to record clips and screens on the consoles- Toyxic Figuras
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*Give enemies a low enough amount of magic that using a lightning spell against them actually prevents them from casting against you before you end up killing them.
*Without necessarily SEEING them leave or arrive, have different carriages and boats in cities when you arrive at them. Perhaps on a schedule like the Merchants in FO3
*Fear animations -Andrew Garnand
*Noises similar to splinter cell type- Andrew Garnand
*Choosing the voice of your character from a list from high pitch to low both sixes but also the ability to not have a personal voice if you so choose- Austin Murray
*Nocturnal Ambience- Sean Triolo
*Underground/Indoor Dragon Encounters- Sean Triolo
*Numb spell~~makes affected unaware of health,magic &stamina=unaware of need to rest,heal self, retreat.- Sean Triolo
*Ability to Block/Avoid Spells as Warrior or Thief - Sean Triolo (confirmed)
*Town Horn,Bell Alarm - Sean Triolo [being discussed in these forums already]
*Allow spiders to climb walls, specifically with webbing - Sean Triolo
*weapon deadlock animations - Andrew Garnand
*Small personal emotive animations- Garrett Albers
*someone grasping your hand in a scripted event -Garrett Albers
*If you have a wife then a kissing action i suppose- Garrett Albers
*Kneeling and encouraging a child during a certain quest when they are frightened.- Garrett Albers
*Clasping arms with a major questline companion(Such as Baurus or Martin from Oblvion) before plunging into a dangerous area(Such as the Imperial Sewers, or Kvatch)- Garrett Albers
*different kinds of Gauntlets adding extra damage to the base damage of H2H combat.-Jakob Edwards (confirmed)
*Khajiits can use "Swipe" attacks- Sean Triolo (confirmed)
*when quickly moving the direction of your FOV, create a Blur at the edge of the screens.- Sean Triolo
*a slow fall spell- Caleb Hinton
*Sliders for Aim Speeds.-Justin York
*Horizontal AND Vertical Aim Speeds separate.- Justin York
*Ability to turn the Aim Magnetism/Auto Aim/Auto Targeting off or on.-Justin York
*Ability to change the controls to whatever configuration the player wants.-Justin York
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*Ability to turn HUD Fade on/off/adjust timer for it. I really like my HUD available at ALL times.-Justin York (confirmed)
*Ability to turn on/off/adjust: Music, Ambience, Footsteps, Voices(grunts,shouts), weapon sound fx, main sound fx(the rest really), in-game music(not the background music), Subtitles(and subtypes of subtitles)and various other sound types if necessary.-Justin York
*if a wolf(predator of any sort) is standing over a kill,reduce their willingless to attack us- Sean Triolo (confirmed)
*The ability to headbutt enemies - Austin Murray
*A spell that partially paralyzes (shoot the legs it cant run)
*The ability to cancel shooting your arrow when it is drawn so you don't waste an arrow (confirmed)
*the ability to take a poison off a weapon
*the ability to hit multiple enemies with a single swing (confirmed)
*Pants vs Skirts:No self respecting woman wants to fight in a skirt, and no self respecting Scot wants to fight in pants
*Sparks from metal hitting rocks or metal
*The ability to target a person for a summon to attack. That way you dont have to come out of hiding.
*Upon re-entering a dungeon, dont make us unlock everything again
*DONT LEVEL LOCKS. Make some really hard and others really easy, but dont make all locks super difficult at high levels (confirmed)
*Have empty and full bottles for drinks and potions. [FO3 style] Just and environmental touch
*Allow target spells to hit arrows again like in Morrowind.
*Interactable objects that do unique things. (ladders, bells, ropes...etc)- Garrett Albers
*Replace pickpocketing with Sleight of Hand (adds some other usful perk ideas) - Garrett Albers and myself
*Crafting arrows - Andrew Garnand
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*Return of tower shields
*Crouching while blocking gives more protection- Andrew Garnand
*Ability to block/roll even when knocked down/ ability to choose when to stand up - Andrew Garnand and myself
*giving better effects to wine,beer etc- Andrew Garnand
*ability to drink more than 4 potions at a time
*break down weapons and turn them into ore (result of acquiring enchantments)- Andrew Garnand
*Make the stuff you can put in containers actually pertain to the container (food bag = food)- Sean Triolo
*Ability to knock on doors (to get them to answer, let you in, or to know if nobody is home)- Anthony Gillcrest
*Ability to read tombstones- Anthony Gillcrest
*Make NPCs change outfits - Andrew Garnand
*A return of items that are charged such as the healing ring in the barrel at the beginning of Morrowind.- Garrett Albers (Confirmed not in)
*persuade the guard to like you and release you from jail- Andrew Garnand
*making use of the calm not only stops the target from combating you but you are able to speak to that NPC till the duration is up- Andrew Garnand
*Deadric quests should NOT be restricted to a certain level to attempt, however the quests should have non leveled enemies and non leveled loot
*Casting paralyze on something and they then fall in the water should start a count for them to begin drowning.- Garrett Albers
*not be able to touch Unique weapons enchantments[ keeps the lore friendly] - Garrett Albers
*be able to imbue multiple enchantments into a single piece of equipment - Caleb Hinton (confirmed)
*having destructible items/ingredinet a tamato plant gets scorched by a flame spell....also having items like paper, food like apples also are destrucible to spells of that destructive nature... keep the paper or book legible.... - Andrew Garnand
*Customization Options-Different Ear types for Elves and Khajiits. Also ability to make different eyebrow builds.- Garrett Albers (confirmed)
*ability to attack through cell doors - Andrew Garnand
*Outdoor crates and barrels should be illegal to take from
*Wind affecting an arrow's course
*cannibalism - Caleb Hinton
*infiltration [can wear an outfit and pose as a member of a faction]
*Chase and escape sequences. When on a mission NPCs can detect you and depending on the NPC and possibly the mission they will try to escape forcing you to pursue them and STILL remain stealthy.
*Code NPCs & companions to let you know when they need to heal or rest- Sean Triolo
* Allow NPCs to run out of arrows and then search/ retrieve them- Sean Triolo
*Blood pooling on dead- Sean Triolo
*Allow some form of zoom without a bow equipped
*Allow some cloaks to go over/ be on armor
*Tone down how sharply the sound decreases when you arent looking at a NPC. In Oblivion, if you werent looking at people talking it was very difficult to hear them.
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*The ability to "hold" objects through loading zones.
*Fixed items like silverware. They ought to remain in place unless interacted with... this mean swung at, affected by a spell, held... etc. Nothing more frustrating than bumping a sword you spent 20 minutes making sit on a rack the right way and having to do it again
*Make leaving a cell a last resort for NPCs. It is so frustrating to attack a person and right when you are about to kill them they go through the loading cell door and by the time you are through it they are 50ft ahead of you... not to mention the slow "fading" through the door.
*No ghosts restocking your cabinets and plates with food... not very realistic
*More variety in animal companions - Tim Kaufman
*more breeds and variation in ALL creatures would be nice. I mean killing the SAME troll over and over can be annoying.
*Code shooting stars to nighttime ambience skyline -Sean Triolo
*Lght placed candles- Sean Triolo
*When you block an incoming arrow attack with a shield,Based upon the material of the shield downt always make the arrow lodge into your shield.Same with the armor- Sean Triolo
*Dynamic snow scaling on dropped items and corpses- Sean Triolo
*Actual value of junk. Morrowind: Find silver plate > Sell for 60 Oblivion: Find silver plate > Give it away for free - John Orbon
*Speed up arrow flight time. It is kind of ridiculous that you could dodge an arrow or spell so easily in Oblivion.
*Differentiate audio cues for foot steps based upon the flooring substance- Sean Triolo
*Code these pieces of terain to act as "Concealment"- Sean Triolo
*Allow npcs delayed time in discovering/recognising/assaulting in...-Weather conditions (Fog,Snow,Rain)-If you are not directly facing the person-If you are underwater/In bushes -When in crowds of people -embracing someone in diologue -if you are wearing concealment clothing - Sean Triolo
*entering sneak mode in public should draw more attention than not- Sean Triolo
*SHIELD-even if you are not using it to block at the moment, any incoming Arow attacks that make contact with the shield should be parried unconditionaly.- Sean Triolo
*Allow the character, and npc's to make use of unconventional weaponry when under attack if currently unarmed- Sean Triolo [being discussed right now]
*Allow npcs the ability to Yield to one another- Sean Triolo
*Have racial and other powers BE unique. Not just spells- Garrett Albers
*When you fall long distances, do not allow us to land on our feet.- Sean Triolo
*let horses carry some of the loot - Abraham Varun
*Allow NPCs to sprint - Sean Triolo
*the ability to critical hit enemies knocked over on the ground- Sean Triolo
*when you disarm an enemy, and they have no secondary weapon give the npcs the option to surrender rather than fighting you fisticuffs- Sean Triolo
*The ability to see your feet and torso when in First Person view- Garrett Albers
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*When going down rocks and cliffs... we get a cross between standing and an awkward phasing... then the jumping/falling look. Have a different animation or at least make it look better... especially for the 3rd person.
*... when I get off a horse... if I would normally phase into the mountain or get that glitch were I cant get off in that spot and the continuously keep trying to dismount... just have us get off on the other side of the horse. I think it would be easy enough, to either have thee horse move to an area where you can dismount or just dismount to the other side. And if over a cliff let us fall off and not stand on air
*have the ability to capture and sell NPCs as slaves- Garrett Albers
*Insect swarms that attack you if you disturb their colony- Garrett Albers
*While swimming the standard briastStroke animation, Dont allow us the unrealistic continuos speed. Instead, each Stroke propells you forward. -Sean Triolo
*the ability to join a bandit faction - Sean Triolo
*display taken ingredient on corpses (horn missing from minotaur)- Sean Triolo
*Allow corpses to be reclothed- Sean Triolo
*The ability to buy horses for companions, or to allow companions to come with their own
*The ability to keep body parts as trophies- Daniel Richardson
*Have a specific sprint jump feature that launches you farther and higher then the normal one.- Garrett Albers
*the ability for fire to not only damage those who tread on it, but for the fire to catch onto whomever treads on it- Sean Triolo (confirmed)
*allow us to see improvement in- Our guild Hall - The Quality of weapons/armor/Materials both available for our purchase from the guild as well as the quality of weapons/armor/materials our guildmates are equiped with - The Amount of Guild 'troops' spawned in the world- Ben Morton, Sean Triolo and myself
*if you run out of breath your health drains WAY faster. And is goes by the percentage like 5% a second or something.- Garrett Albers
*A chance for your wife to get ill and you need to gather X herbs to make her better. This can happen more than once.- Garrett Albers
* when magic runs out, ability to use a staff as a weak weapon.
*allow the game time to flow even when reading or crafting- Sean Triolo
*a different turning radius for different creatures especially while sprinting- Sean Triolo and myself
*Guards are not spawned on the road, but instead they are trained No-name Npc civilians who travel to a recruiting guard baracks at random.-Sean Triolo
*Create areas of Extreme danger, such as forests or mountain paths which are just riddled with powerful & mysterious creatures.- Sean Triolo
*make werewolves(if there are any) in towns living as townspeople, and some feral - Caleb Hinton
*no matter the size, makes sure opponents attempt to make eyecontact rather than how nost npcs look through opponents, or stare at their lower half.- Sean Triolo
*apply damage to Npcs with vampirism who travel into the sun, not only us.- Sean Triolo
*Allow Npcs the ability to become inflicted with disease.- Sean Triolo
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*If we abruptly walk away from a person who we are engaged in conversation with, lower their disposition towards us slightly, Also code them to make a remark such as (i was talking to you!)- Sean Triolo
*Allow Bard's music to override the in-game or perhaps "fade" into ingame- Sean Triolo and myself
*Turn and move slower while blocking- Sean Triolo
*Give the player and NPCs the ability to feign death- Sean Triolo
* Whenever water comes in contact with something give it a "wet" appearance- Sean Triolo
*Make us have bare hands when catching fish underwater- Sean Triolo
* ability for dragons to throw things at NPCs and the player- Sean Triolo
*Make NPCs and animals sleep... and when they sleep make them move around or tremor- Sean Triolo
*Make NOCs react to oddities... like you jumping everywhere or being naked or shooting random fireballs.- Sean Triolo
* Allow hair growth.- Sean Triolo
* Show hair coming out of helmets- Sean Triolo (confirmed)
*Make lockpicking, real time- Sean Triolo
*Allow us to have multiple animal companions- Sean Triolo
* Allow us to capture bugs alive- Sean Triolo
*Give an in-game bestiary- Garrett Albers
* Make shadows remain when invisible or chameleon, and have it be detectable by NPCs- Sean Triolo
* Eye dilation- Sean Triolo
*Ability to report crimes, whether to frame or in truth- Andrew Garnand
Again credits go to Erich for his dedication and also the people who participated in keeping this thread alive...This was just a simple remake of the Discussion Board Remember feel free to add your own...