FONV Cribs

Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:14 pm

I was surfing you tube looking for a location of an item and I came across this little video and was intrigued by how he decorated his home base for The Sink. So I thought I would do something similar for my home base which is The Sink as well (can't stand the loading screens for the Lucky 38) so I was wondering if other people do the same thing. I was looking to collect ideas before I messed around remodeling my home base. Pictures and video welcome. I play on the PS3 so it might be harder to move objects around with the right joystick but I digress. Would be interested if people decorated other home bases as well.
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:33 am

Yeah, I decorated my base at the sink as well, and it was pretty similar to what the guy in the video did. I'll try to post pictures tomorrow. Basically, I put a lot of weapons and my nuka cola collection on the shelves, dinky the T-Rex toys on top of the lockers, and then stacked a bunch of chems and gold bars on the floor. I also put black coffee on the stand next to the bed. I don't use the sink for everything though, as I actually prefer wasteland homes such as Harper's Shack or the Prospector's Den. I "decorate" those as well, which mainly involves turning shelves into an armory :gun:
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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:51 am

i just started to decorate my place its pretty fun lol even on the PS3 :]
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Jarrett Willis
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:14 am

I tend to put all the unique weapons I collect and don't use out on show. I'll also not sell a near broke heavy duty weapon (which won't sell for much anyway) and have them in the corner somewhere.
In the kitchen (I use Lucky 38) I like to have any rare Nuka Cola I get, plus usually one of each booze on the side. After DM I also kept out some of that cloud kiss stuff. I haven't seen what the poison you can make from HH looks like yet - that might go out too.
I'll also put out some fresh veggies, just because in a world of 200yr old Salisbury Steak it feels like a luxury. :happy:
This character is a true scavenger and crafter, and has ended up with way more weapon repair kits and doctor's bags than she really needs, so they get put near or on the crafting bench.
Any toys like cars, dinos, rockets and bears get scattered around the guest bedroom and sitting room.
I think I might put out folded unique clothes, or clothes which have been given to me by a faction (like The Kings) somewhere this time as well.
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:33 am

My first playthrough, I decorated the Sink, with rare weapons on display.

In the plant room, I place one of each egg on the pipes around the wall.

The coffee table had the Dead Man's Hand, spread out. If your careful, you can balance a Knife on it's tip. I was able to place a Super Heated Cosmic Knife, in the middle of the DMH. Along with a Gold Bar and various monies on the side. It looked like a poker game gone bad.

I started balancing Axes, Knives and whatever, all over the place. They looked better than just laying flat, on the shelf.

The other 36 Gold bars were in a pile, on the floor, in the back of the Body Parts Room, which also had Mutilated Body Parts, Bramin Skulls and a Dog Bowl w/ human flesh. Didn't have a real, the K9000 had to make due.
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saharen beauty
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:39 pm

the Body Parts Room, which also had Mutilated Body Parts,

Thats the way to go ;-)
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