Perception Question

Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:57 am

So, I want to play with the HUD off. Is there any real drawback to lowering my Perception to 1? I don't think I care about the perks or skills governed by perception, and I'm sure I can make better use out of the additional 4 points.

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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:29 am

Perception affects your ability to see the 'red' on your compass
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:43 am

Other than the perks you've said you're not worried about, and lower starting energy weapons, explosives and lockpick skills, the only thing you'll have to deal with is perception dialog checks. I guess it doesn't list all of the checks like the skill checks, but there's a little info there for ya.

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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:37 am

Thank you for the replies. Looks like he answer is "no."

I was wondering if it altered raw distance or anything else.

I bought the collectors edition last year and played it for a while. Between waiting for some patches and getting distracted by other games, I never really came back to New Vegas. Looking through my collection of game, i almost forgot I even had it. I want to start over and give it another try now.

Any recommendations?

P.S. I know explosive are governed by Perception, but from what I recall, explosives aren't very good in New Vegas. I remember loving explosives in Fallout 3, but being greatly underwhelmed in NV.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:07 pm

Thank you for the replies. Looks like he answer is "no."

I was wondering if it altered raw distance or anything else.

I bought the collectors edition last year and played it for a while. Between waiting for some patches and getting distracted by other games, I never really came back to New Vegas. Looking through my collection of game, i almost forgot I even had it. I want to start over and give it another try now.

Any recommendations?
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:06 am

explosives are wicked in new vegas. melee is much better than in FO3 as well
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:53 pm

I don't understand the fascination of "Very Hard."

When I played on normal difficulty I found it immersion breaking when:

I got to around level 12 or so and I was at the Legion camp, and in Vast it said I had to empty my clip of .357 mag ammo into the head of ONE Praetorian Guard and still not kill him.

I understand this is a video game with HP instead of a realistic survival game... but common!!!

After a while, I found myself putting the game on Easy or Very Easy just so I could enjoy the adventure. In my opinion, There are better way to increase the difficulty of a game than just a combination of giving the bad guys more health and reducing the damage you deal to them while reversing things for you. You can make the bad guys smarter; Make supplies more difficult to find; Make traders more difficult to bargain with; Increase the AI of the enemies; add a few more bad guys to encounters; etc.

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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:14 pm

i always played on Very Hard by default. i didn't realize you could change it for a long time, so i got used to how it felt, and when i tried turning the difficulty down later on it just seemed way too easy. but yeah, i just played a Call of Duty game for the first time in like 3 years, and i gotta say dudes are much easier to kill in that :tongue:
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:19 am

I don't understand the fascination of "Very Hard."

When I played on normal difficulty I found it immersion breaking when:

I got to around level 12 or so and I was at the Legion camp, and in Vast it said I had to empty my clip of .357 mag ammo into the head of ONE Praetorian Guard and still not kill him.

I understand this is a video game with HP instead of a realistic survival game... but common!!!

After a while, I found myself putting the game on Easy or Very Easy just so I could enjoy the adventure. In my opinion, There are better way to increase the difficulty of a game than just a combination of giving the bad guys more health and reducing the damage you deal to them while reversing things for you. You can make the bad guys smarter; Make supplies more difficult to find; Make traders more difficult to bargain with; Increase the AI of the enemies; add a few more bad guys to encounters; etc.

So I assume you find it just as immersion breaking when an enemy has to empty an entire clip+ or a giant monster has to swipe you 5-10 times to kill you? Or when you magically stop time and heal yourself up with stimpacks or take drugs in the middle of combat? Or when loud music suddenly starts playing to alert you something is trying to kill you? Or how you are able to carry 200+lbs of equipment in your back pocket?

I play on very hard mode, no hud, no music, no drugs, stims, armor, using the pipboy during combat, low carry weight, and some other play modifications designed to try to increase realism. That's immersion. Once you get to lvl 40+, most things go down pretty quickly anyway, it's just that (at least in the DLCs) you go down pretty quickly too.

I just really hate when people playing on lower difficulties cite "immersion" as the reason why they are playing on a lower difficulty. It's not; if you find killing everything in one hit while being impossible to kill yourself more fun, then that's fine, say so. We play the game to have fun so there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But don't try to pretty it up by saying "but mah emmershun!"
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