Should I?...

Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:32 am

Should I get FO3, AGAIN? I had it on Xbox 360 but then I shifted to PC when I got FNV. I haven't played FO3 for the longest time and I don't have the Xbox anymore. :P So I'm wondering, should I get FO3 AGAIN? I really loved FO3 compared to FNV and have played it a million times and I'm always discovering new things. Plus, playing FNV has given me a bit more audacity in exploration so I'll be more willing to expedite Old Olney and stuff. x3

If I get FO3 it's going to come with ALL the DLC. Trouble is, I'm used to playing the game, then getting the DLC as it comes. Having it there all at once will give me a heart attack! I won't be able to help myself if I have them all prepared for me! xDDD

I know if I get FO3, it will be on PC so it will open up a whole new world of mods that weren't available on the 360. So, what do you think, should I get it?! :D
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:12 pm

I say get it, what is it like 20 bucks with the dlcs and if you love it like i do there is no good reason not to get it. Note: Fallout 3 is one of the finest video games ever made.
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Sara Lee
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