[REL] AG Supplementary Uniques

Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:41 pm



(Profanity warning: This mod contains profanity. No more than what you'd find in New Vegas itself, however.)

In development for some time now, this mod adds new unique weapons to the wasteland. The models are all hacked vanilla ones using bits and pieces from other vanilla weapons, as well as some minor texture work for a few of them. Stats are only marginally tweaked from vanilla and have been modified to more closely fit the weapons. I do my best to maintain game balance, keep weapons and notes canon, and not break game immersion whenever possible.

As a gunsmith and firearms enthusiast (and then some) I do my very best to build and modify these weapons for the best overall feel. Bullets can be seen in the magazines and are carefully aligned with the barrels, iron sights are as close to accurate as I can possibly get them, even shell ejection has been closely checked for what makes the most sense to the weapon. New bullet casings have been created where necessary and real world inspiration has played a huge role in the creation of this mod. SU is an extension of this undying passion of mine, countless hours have gone into trying to make the best possible experience that I am able to achieve with each of these weapons.

Included are:
LOTS of new guns (up to a grand total of 119!) Something for everyone!
New dry-fire sounds for nearly all of the included weapons, taken from real recordings (don't worry enthusiasts, the guns were treated well when doing this.)
Mad amounts of weapon modding capabilities. Every added weapon (excluding three optional default mesh replacers) has a full set of three mod options available.
Very liberal use of vanilla modkits to keep this mod as friendly with other weapon mods as possible, plus WME compatibility files. Only a handful of unique new kits have been added. Use of a New Vegas mod that allows modkit crafting is highly recommended.

.357 Match Revolver (Dead Money)
10mm Compact Pistol
Alyx (machine pistol)
Alyx .224 (Honest Hearts)
Azure Torment (Honest Hearts)
Buckshot Brawler
Delta .224 (Honest Hearts)
Delta Comp
Dusty Harriet
Fiend Pistol
Gauss Suppression Pistol
Green Thing
Gyrojet Pistol
Little Shootie
Lynx .468
PlasMag Pistol
*Probable Cause
*Rattler M10 (Honest Hearts)
*Rocketboy (Lonesome Road)
*Rusty Rattler (Honest Hearts)
Safari Pistol
Silent Six
Static Bomb Pistol (Old World Blues)
Stinger (machine pistol)
Tag! (Honest Hearts)
Target .22 Pistol
The Operator
*Tiny Terror (Lonesome Road)
*Type-17 (Honest Hearts)
Wildcat .45 (Honest Hearts)

Two-Hand Automatics
952 Carbine
Angry Kitten
*Apocalypse Green (All In One)
Argon Rifle
Auto Hunter
Auto Whatzit
Bam Bam
Battle Rifle Mk2
Bug Stomper
Chinese Marksman Rifle
Crowd Control
Electric Rifle Mark.01 (Old World Blues)
Gauss This
Gopher Getter
Gyrojet Rifle
H-BAR Paratrooper (Dead Money)
*K-23 Light Machine Gun
Lighter Machine Gun
Madman (Honest Hearts)
Multiplas Prototype
*Nail Rail (Lonesome Road)
Office Assistant
Predator Carbine
PSW 550
*Punter 25 (Gun Runner's Arsenal)
*Rail Driver (All In One)
*ROAM 510 (Gun Runner's Arsenal)
*Rocketman (Lonesome Road)
Serenity Assault Cannon
Sin Bringer (Dead Money)
*Static Rave (Old World Blues)
VIPR-15 Carbine

Two-Hand Rifles
1895 Carbine
*Alaskan Pride (Gun Runner's Arsenal)
Beast 20mm (Dead Money)
Camp Rifle
De Little Carbine (Honest Hearts)
Desert 5
Field Rifle
Gecko Blaster
Hammer .50
Lawn Defender 5000
Ol' Sue
Mayor's Leg (bonus points if you get the gorramed reference.)
Mosquito Launcher
Pipe Rifle
Pounder 12
Quail Master
Rat Cannon
Safari Rifle
Silens Terminus
Snake Gun
The Jackal
Winington 1887

Two-Hand Handle
M-52 Chaingun

Two-Hand Launcher
MacroGat (Lonesome Road)
Tri-Bang (Lonesome Road)

(* New in v3.0)

New Options:
Lots of alternate meshes available from mixing and matching various DLC's. Take a look!

Texture compatibility with Arenovalis/Millenia's Riot Shotgun, Dead Money Police .357, and Trail Carbine are included. These do not install by default! Check the Options folder. Any of his textures which do not also include altered meshes will work, as well.

Super hi-res textures for the Argon Rifle! Not loaded by default, this is an option included in the archive.

Survivalist's Rifle--Fixed iron sights, both for the standard rifle and for WME.

Plasma Defender's grip tweaked so it doesn't look like it's meant for a super mutant's hand anymore! As an added bonus I've even updated all of these meshes for Weapon Mod Expansion 1.08 and above.

Model replacements for the hunting shotgun's extended magazine which adds a pair of barrel bands.

Ratslayer mesh which shortens the barrel and makes the suppressor more integral to the weapon.

As of 2.63, a holodisk can be found by the Silenced .22 Pistol at the Goodsprings general store, listing a copy of what modkits go to what weapons. The contents of this disk change depending upon whether you have the regular or WME version of the main ESP loaded.

A location guide on where the new weapons can be found and what the new recipes are is included as a separate text file, as well as a copy of the weapon upgrade lists. As an optional download, there's also a visual guide to their locations.

I've attempted to place the weapons in locations that would be appropriate for the player's level rather than handing out overly powerful gear early and less useful gear later on. They also start out quite damaged, which means that whatever your level you won't be able to grab a super-powered weapon and go to town, it will take a little patience to repair these weapons to their full glory.



Now much more straightforward and easier to figure out!

Step 1: Extract everything from the '1 - Install First' folder. Data dir to data dir.

Step 2: Go into '2 - Choose ESPs' and pick your set, A through D. If you're using WMX, you will want either A or B. Make sure they're activated in your load order. WME compatiblity files should go AFTER all of your official WME files. Vanilla probably doesn't matter, as it shouldn't conflict with anything in a bad way.

That's it! You're ready to find any one of a total of one hundred and ninteen new weapons.

But wait, there's more!

Step 3: If you want to further customize your weapon using experience, take a look through the mass of files that have been sorted in here. None of these are required, they simply offer visual changes to select weapons added in this mod. Screenshots are included so you have an idea of what each one does.

Final words, bold for emphasis, MAKING A MERGED ESP IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED with this mod! See that? Alright. Serious, it makes a difference, these ESPs add lots of things to perk, holdout, and recipe/schematic lists. Things will be much happier if you make a fresh merged patch here.


If you really want to use any of the files from this mod in another project then drop me a line! I've put a blasted ton of time into this silly thing so if you want to translate it go ahead and ask me, though please don't upload this mod anywhere without my permission.


If using the optional mesh files, anything which modifies those weapons will conflict but not in a game-breaking matter.
This mod -should- work fine with either WME or WMX, however I have noticed with WME that some of the vanilla modkits have different descriptions. The effects are still the same, so if you run into such an issue it should be safe to ignore the mod item text. Because this mod only includes one new mod kit it should play along nicely with just about any other mod out there that deals with weapons and mod kits. No leveled lists, enemies, or store inventories have been altered.

Certain retextured vanilla meshes that alter the UV map may conflict with select weapons with this mod. I've tried to minimize this as much as possible.


This is it, folks! SU is a finished project (mesh updates or bug fixes aside.) Thanks to those that have been along for the trip all this time, and have fun!


Any issues, suggestions or ideas for fixes or options are welcome. At this point I'm no longer adding weapons to this mod.


Jonnyeah - Serious assistance in the mesh editing department, much patience, and the use of some resources from his WME mod: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37576 Seriously, I've lost track of how many times he's heard the words 'thank you' from me. This guy rocks.
Odin_ml - Shell casing for the .50 MG, used from their Shells Slugs Ammo Modders Resource: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4542 Also served as the base for the 20mm shell casing, including the texture set.
Maniac3020 - Slower lever action rifles (borrowed stat changes for compatibility.)
Servalion and their #00 Commando mod, not for resources so much as ideas on how to make shotguns meaner. I've followed this tradition with the new shotguns in the pack, if you don't use the Shotgun Commando mod then they should be sufficiently more powerful than the default shotguns.
Yossarian22, thunder sound effects borrowed from Nevada Skies. Awesome sounds, you rock! ( http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35998 )
Moshman - Minigun loop sound borrowed from 'Weapons with a PUNCH' ( http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38755 ). Thanks, Mosh!
ryss5an - Hacked weapon concept art, it's been good inspiration. Thanks!
evanbgood - Original working design for EMP ammo, borrowed some tricks from EMP Ammo Expansion: ( http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35646 )
matty123456 - Figuring out and solving why certain weapons had to be stolen. Thank you!
InsanitySorrow - Serious texture work for the Argon Rifle. You rule! Your contribution makes this rifle infinitely better.
RavePMW - Making demo vids, locational guide with pictures, artwork for the mod page, and general assistant along with endless enthusiasm. Thanks a bunch!
Mahare and Shadow0115 - General ideas and awesome attitudes, the enthusiasm just keeps building momentum here. Mahare also helped out with Probable Cause and wrote the in-game note attached to it. Thanks!
Jason Sephard / SkyWlf77 over at http://foss-media.org/ - Caution Stripes used on RocketBoy and Probable Cause. Absolutely perfect for what I needed!

Obsidian/Bethesda for game resources and giving us modders so much control over the game!

Additional Credits (all resources used were listed as free for non-profit use):
Backgroundsy.com for carbon fiber textures, used in Matilda and The Jackal. ( http://www.backgroundsy.com/backgrounds/black-carbon-fiber-textures )
Arcsin at naytek.com for plastic textures used in Office Assistant, Alyx, and perhaps more. ( http://naytek.com/downloads.php )
Wojtar for the excellent metal texture used for the Jackal's muzzle brake ( http://wojtar-stock.deviantart.com/art/metal-texture-4-60021019 )
My good friend Trile for the awesome Wildcat logo used on the slide.
Thank you all for the resources!


Have fun out there!
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:34 am

So wait....is this handplaced, leveled lists, or both?
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:57 pm

Leveled lists have not been changed any, all of the new items can be discovered through exploring (or on a small handful of NPC's.) I felt that exploration in New Vegas was a bit unrewarding, so I attempted to add to it.
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