I'm just noticing that from Morrowind (Roman style armor) we have Oblivion (Full Plate or Chain) back to the Morrowind Style in Skyrim if the inventory 'item' version is anything to go by. It's in the leaked manual.
Is there an official handwave yet?
I have a few ideas, such as the Legion being spread so thin that on home-soil they started to use heavier gear, since many patrolled alone. It obviously isn't anything to do with the climate, if they are going back to the Morowind style in Skyrim. Also, I suppose the Septim Empire could just a have decided to change to heavier gear, and the 'new' Empire could ahve just adopted the same Legionary outfit.
In hindsight though, isn't the plate actual more traditional? Thinking back, the Imperial Guard in Arena and Daggerfall wore plate also.
Gah. Guess t's not important, but still. Any thoughts? I mean plainly and out of game it just means that they are trying to recapture a bit of the love Morrowind gather and have it directed at Skyrim, but I like in-story explinations too. I'm sticking with my frst thought, since things are in such a bad state in Cyrodiil in Oblivion.